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object:COSA - BOOK V
book class:The Confessions of Saint Augustine
author class:Saint Augustine of Hippo
subject class:Christianity


Accept the sacrifice of my confessions from the ministry of my tongue,
which Thou hast formed and stirred up to confess unto Thy name. Heal
Thou all my bones, and let them say, O Lord, who is like unto Thee? For
he who confesses to Thee doth not teach Thee what takes place within
him; seeing a closed heart closes not out Thy eye, nor can man's
hard-heartedness thrust back Thy hand: for Thou dissolvest it at Thy
will in pity or in vengeance, and nothing can hide itself from Thy heat.
But let my soul praise Thee, that it may love Thee; and let it confess
Thy own mercies to Thee, that it may praise Thee. Thy whole creation
ceaseth not, nor is silent in Thy praises; neither the spirit of man
with voice directed unto Thee, nor creation animate or inanimate, by the
voice of those who meditate thereon: that so our souls may from their
weariness arise towards Thee, leaning on those things which Thou hast
created, and passing on to Thyself, who madest them wonderfully; and
there is refreshment and true strength.

Let the restless, the godless, depart and flee from Thee; yet Thou seest
them, and dividest the darkness. And behold, the universe with them is
fair, though they are foul. And how have they injured Thee? or how have
they disgraced Thy government, which, from the heaven to this lowest
earth, is just and perfect? For whither fled they, when they fled from
Thy presence? or where dost not Thou find them? But they fled, that they
might not see Thee seeing them, and, blinded, might stumble against Thee
(because Thou forsakest nothing Thou hast made); that the unjust, I say,
might stumble upon Thee, and justly be hurt; withdrawing themselves from
thy gentleness, and stumbling at Thy uprightness, and falling upon their
own ruggedness. Ignorant, in truth, that Thou art every where, Whom no
place encompasseth! and Thou alone art near, even to those that remove
far from Thee. Let them then be turned, and seek Thee; because not as
they have forsaken their Creator, hast Thou forsaken Thy creation. Let
them be turned and seek Thee; and behold, Thou art there in their heart,
in the heart of those that confess to Thee, and cast themselves upon
Thee, and weep in Thy bosom, after all their rugged ways. Then dost
Thou gently wipe away their tears, and they weep the more, and joy
in weeping; even for that Thou, Lord,--not man of flesh and blood,
but--Thou, Lord, who madest them, re-makest and comfortest them. But
where was I, when I was seeking Thee? And Thou wert before me, but I had
gone away from Thee; nor did I find myself, how much less Thee!

I would lay open before my God that nine-and-twentieth year of mine
age. There had then come to Carthage a certain Bishop of the Manichees,
Faustus by name, a great snare of the Devil, and many were entangled
by him through that lure of his smooth language: which though I did
commend, yet could I separate from the truth of the things which I was
earnest to learn: nor did I so much regard the service of oratory as the
science which this Faustus, so praised among them, set before me to
feed upon. Fame had before bespoken him most knowing in all valuable
learning, and exquisitely skilled in the liberal sciences. And since I
had read and well remembered much of the philosophers, I compared some
things of theirs with those long fables of the Manichees, and found the
former the more probable; even although they could only prevail so far
as to make judgment of this lower world, the Lord of it they could by
no means find out. For Thou art great, O Lord, and hast respect unto the
humble, but the proud Thou beholdest afar off. Nor dost Thou draw near,
but to the contrite in heart, nor art found by the proud, no, not though
by curious skill they could number the stars and the sand, and measure
the starry heavens, and track the courses of the planets.

For with their understanding and wit, which Thou bestowedst on them,
they search out these things; and much have they found out; and
foretold, many years before, eclipses of those luminaries, the sun
and moon,--what day and hour, and how many digits,--nor did their
calculation fail; and it came to pass as they foretold; and they wrote
down the rules they had found out, and these are read at this day, and
out of them do others foretell in what year and month of the year, and
what day of the month, and what hour of the day, and what part of its
light, moon or sun is to be eclipsed, and so it shall be, as it is
foreshowed. At these things men, that know not this art, marvel and are
astonished, and they that know it, exult, and are puffed up; and by
an ungodly pride departing from Thee, and failing of Thy light, they
foresee a failure of the sun's light, which shall be, so long before,
but see not their own, which is. For they search not religiously whence
they have the wit, wherewith they search out this. And finding that Thou
madest them, they give not themselves up to Thee, to preserve what Thou
madest, nor sacrifice to Thee what they have made themselves; nor slay
their own soaring imaginations, as fowls of the air, nor their own
diving curiosities (wherewith, like the fishes of the sea, they wander
over the unknown paths of the abyss), nor their own luxuriousness, as
beasts of the field, that Thou, Lord, a consuming fire, mayest burn up
those dead cares of theirs, and re-create themselves immortally.

But they knew not the way, Thy Word, by Whom Thou madest these things
which they number, and themselves who number, and the sense whereby
they perceive what they number, and the understanding, out of which they
number; or that of Thy wisdom there is no number. But the Only Begotten
is Himself made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification,
and was numbered among us, and paid tri bute unto Caesar. They knew not
this way whereby to descend to Him from themselves, and by Him ascend
unto Him. They knew not this way, and deemed themselves exalted amongst
the stars and shining; and behold, they fell upon the earth, and their
foolish heart was darkened. They discourse many things truly concerning
the creature; but Truth, Artificer of the creature, they seek not
piously, and therefore find Him not; or if they find Him, knowing Him
to be God, they glorify Him not as God, neither are thankful, but
become vain in their imaginations, and profess themselves to be wise,
attri buting to themselves what is Thine; and thereby with most perverse
blindness, study to impute to Thee what is their own, forging lies of
Thee who art the Truth, and changing the glory of uncorruptible God
into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed
beasts, and creeping things, changing Thy truth into a lie, and
worshipping and serving the creature more than the Creator.

Yet many truths concerning the creature retained I from these men, and
saw the reason thereof from calculations, the succession of times, and
the visible testimonies of the stars; and compared them with the saying
of Manichaeus, which in his frenzy he had written most largely on these
subjects; but discovered not any account of the solstices, or equinoxes,
or the eclipses of the greater lights, nor whatever of this sort I
had learned in the books of secular philosophy. But I was commanded to
believe; and yet it corresponded not with what had been established by
calculations and my own sight, but was quite contrary.

Doth then, O Lord God of truth, whoso knoweth these things, therefore
please Thee? Surely unhappy is he who knoweth all these, and knoweth not
Thee: but happy whoso knoweth Thee, though he know not these. And whoso
knoweth both Thee and them is not the happier for them, but for Thee
only, if, knowing Thee, he glorifies Thee as God, and is thankful, and
becomes not vain in his imaginations. For as he is better off who knows
how to possess a tree, and return thanks to Thee for the use thereof,
although he know not how many cubits high it is, or how wide it spreads,
than he that can measure it, and count all its boughs, and neither owns
it, nor knows or loves its Creator: so a believer, whose all this world
of wealth is, and who having nothing, yet possesseth all things, by
cleaving unto Thee, whom all things serve, though he know not even
the circles of the Great Bear, yet is it folly to doubt but he is in a
better state than one who can measure the heavens, and number the stars,
and poise the elements, yet neglecteth Thee who hast made all things in
number, weight, and measure.

But yet who bade that Manichaeus write on these things also, skill in
which was no element of piety? For Thou hast said to man, Behold
piety and wisdom; of which he might be ignorant, though he had perfect
knowledge of these things; but these things, since, knowing not, he most
impudently dared to teach, he plainly could have no knowledge of piety.
For it is vanity to make profession of these worldly things even when
known; but confession to Thee is piety. Wherefore this wanderer to this
end spake much of these things, that convicted by those who had truly
learned them, it might be manifest what understanding he had in the
other abstruser things. For he would not have himself meanly thought of,
but went about to persuade men, "That the Holy Ghost, the Comforter and
Enricher of Thy faithful ones, was with plenary authority personally
within him." When then he was found out to have taught falsely of the
heaven and stars, and of the motions of the sun and moon (although these
things pertain not to the doctrine of religion), yet his sacrilegious
presumption would become evident enough, seeing he delivered things
which not only he knew not, but which were falsified, with so mad a
vanity of pride, that he sought to ascribe them to himself, as to a
divine person.

For when I hear any Christian brother ignorant of these things, and
mistaken on them, I can patiently behold such a man holding his opinion;
nor do I see that any ignorance as to the position or character of the
corporeal creation can injure him, so long as he doth not believe any
thing unworthy of Thee, O Lord, the Creator of all. But it doth injure
him, if he imagine it to pertain to the form of the doctrine of piety,
and will yet affirm that too stiffly whereof he is ignorant. And yet
is even such an infirmity, in the infancy of faith, borne by our mother
Charity, till the new-born may grow up unto a perfect man, so as not
to be carried about with every wind of doctrine. But in him who in such
wise presumed to be the teacher, source, guide, chief of all whom he
could so persuade, that whoso followed him thought that he followed,
not a mere man, but Thy Holy Spirit; who would not judge that so great
madness, when once convicted of having taught any thing false, were
to be detested and utterly rejected? But I had not as yet clearly
ascertained whether the vicissitudes of longer and shorter days and
nights, and of day and night itself, with the eclipses of the greater
lights, and whatever else of the kind I had read of in other books,
might be explained consistently with his sayings; so that, if they by
any means might, it should still remain a question to me whether it
were so or no; but I might, on account of his reputed sanctity, rest my
credence upon his authority.

And for almost all those nine years, wherein with unsettled mind I had
been their disciple, I had longed but too intensely for the coming of
this Faustus. For the rest of the sect, whom by chance I had lighted
upon, when unable to solve my objections about these things, still held
out to me the coming of this Faustus, by conference with whom these
and greater difficulties, if I had them, were to be most readily and
abundantly cleared. When then he came, I found him a man of pleasing
discourse, and who could speak fluently and in better terms, yet still
but the self-same things which they were wont to say. But what availed
the utmost neatness of the cup-bearer to my thirst for a more precious
draught? Mine ears were already cloyed with the like, nor did they seem
to me therefore better, because better said; nor therefore true, because
eloquent; nor the soul therefore wise, because the face was comely,
and the language graceful. But they who held him out to me were no good
judges of things; and therefore to them he appeared understanding and
wise, because in words pleasing. I felt however that another sort of
people were suspicious even of truth, and refused to assent to it, if
delivered in a smooth and copious discourse. But Thou, O my God, hadst
already taught me by wonderful and secret ways, and therefore I believe
that Thou taughtest me, because it is truth, nor is there besides Thee
any teacher of truth, where or whencesoever it may shine upon us. Of
Thyself therefore had I now learned, that neither ought any thing to
seem to be spoken truly, because eloquently; nor therefore falsely,
because the utterance of the lips is inharmonious; nor, again, therefore
true, because rudely delivered; nor therefore false, because the
language is rich; but that wisdom and folly are as wholesome and
unwholesome food; and adorned or unadorned phrases as courtly or country
vessels; either kind of meats may be served up in either kind of dishes.

That greediness then, wherewith I had of so long time expected that man,
was delighted verily with his action and feeling when disputing, and his
choice and readiness of words to clo the his ideas. I was then delighted,
and, with many others and more than they, did I praise and extol him.
It troubled me, however, that in the assembly of his auditors, I was not
allowed to put in and communicate those questions that troubled me,
in familiar converse with him. Which when I might, and with my friends
began to engage his ears at such times as it was not unbecoming for him
to discuss with me, and had brought forward such things as moved me; I
found him first utterly ignorant of liberal sciences, save grammar, and
that but in an ordinary way. But because he had read some of Tully's
Orations, a very few books of Seneca, some things of the poets, and such
few volumes of his own sect as were written in Latin and neatly, and
was daily practised in speaking, he acquired a certain eloquence, which
proved the more pleasing and seductive because under the guidance of a
good wit, and with a kind of natural gracefulness. Is it not thus, as I
recall it, O Lord my God, Thou judge of my conscience? before Thee is
my heart, and my remembrance, Who didst at that time direct me by the
hidden mystery of Thy providence, and didst set those shameful errors of
mine before my face, that I might see and hate them.

For after it was clear that he was ignorant of those arts in which I
thought he excelled, I began to despair of his opening and solving the
difficulties which perplexed me (of which indeed however ignorant, he
might have held the truths of piety, had he not been a Manichee). For
their books are fraught with prolix fables, of the heaven, and stars,
sun, and moon, and I now no longer thought him able satisfactorily to
decide what I much desired, whether, on comparison of these things with
the calculations I had elsewhere read, the account given in the books of
Manichaeus were preferable, or at least as good. Which when I proposed
to be considered and discussed, he, so far modestly, shrunk from the
bur then. For he knew that he knew not these things, and was not ashamed
to confess it. For he was not one of those talking persons, many of whom
I had endured, who undertook to teach me these things, and said nothing.
But this man had a heart, though not right towards Thee, yet neither
altogether treacherous to himself. For he was not altogether ignorant of
his own ignorance, nor would he rashly be entangled in a dispute, whence
he could neither retreat nor extricate himself fairly. Even for this I
liked him the better. For fairer is the modesty of a candid mind, than
the knowledge of those things which I desired; and such I found him, in
all the more difficult and subtile questions.

My zeal for the writings of Manichaeus being thus blunted, and
despairing yet more of their other teachers, seeing that in divers
things which perplexed me, he, so renowned among them, had so turned
out; I began to engage with him in the study of that literature, on
which he also was much set (and which as rhetoric-reader I was at that
time teaching young students at Carthage), and to read with him, either
what himself desired to hear, or such as I judged fit for his genius.
But all my efforts whereby I had purposed to advance in that sect,
upon knowledge of that man, came utterly to an end; not that I detached
myself from them altogether, but as one finding nothing better, I had
settled to be content meanwhile with what I had in whatever way fallen
upon, unless by chance something more eligible should dawn upon me.
Thus, that Faustus, to so many a snare of death, had now neither willing
nor witting it, begun to loosen that wherein I was taken. For Thy hands,
O my God, in the secret purpose of Thy providence, did not forsake my
soul; and out of my mother's heart's blood, through her tears night and
day poured out, was a sacrifice offered for me unto Thee; and Thou didst
deal with me by wondrous ways. Thou didst it, O my God: for the steps
of a man are ordered by the Lord, and He shall dispose his way. Or how
shall we obtain salvation, but from Thy hand, re-making what it made?

Thou didst deal with me, that I should be persuaded to go to Rome, and
to teach there rather, what I was teaching at Carthage. And how I was
persuaded to this, I will not neglect to confess to Thee; because herein
also the deepest recesses of Thy wisdom, and Thy most present mercy to
us, must be considered and confessed. I did not wish therefore to go to
Rome, because higher gains and higher dignities were warranted me by my
friends who persuaded me to this (though even these things had at that
time an influence over my mind), but my chief and almost only reason
was, that I heard that young men studied there more peacefully, and were
kept quiet under a restraint of more regular discipline; so that they
did not, at their pleasures, petulantly rush into the school of
one whose pupils they were not, nor were even admitted without his
permission. Whereas at Carthage there reigns among the scholars a most
disgraceful and unruly licence. They burst in audaciously, and
with gestures almost frantic, disturb all order which any one hath
established for the good of his scholars. Divers outrages they commit,
with a wonderful stolidity, punishable by law, did not custom uphold
them; that custom evincing them to be the more miserable, in that they
now do as lawful what by Thy eternal law shall never be lawful; and they
think they do it unpunished, whereas they are punished with the very
blindness whereby they do it, and suffer incomparably worse than what
they do. The manners then which, when a student, I would not make my
own, I was fain as a teacher to endure in others: and so I was well
pleased to go where, all that knew it, assured me that the like was not
done. But Thou, my refuge and my portion in the land of the living;
that I might change my earthly dwelling for the salvation of my soul,
at Carthage didst goad me, that I might thereby be torn from it; and at
Rome didst proffer me allurements, whereby I might be drawn thither,
by men in love with a dying life, the one doing frantic, the other
promising vain, things; and, to correct my steps, didst secretly use
their and my own perverseness. For both they who disturbed my quiet were
blinded with a disgraceful frenzy, and they who invited me elsewhere
savoured of earth. And I, who here detested real misery, was there
seeking unreal happiness.

But why I went hence, and went thither, Thou knewest, O God, yet
showedst it neither to me, nor to my mother, who grievously bewailed my
journey, and followed me as far as the sea. But I deceived her, holding
me by force, that either she might keep me back or go with me, and I
feigned that I had a friend whom I could not leave, till he had a fair
wind to sail. And I lied to my mother, and such a mother, and escaped:
for this also hast Thou mercifully forgiven me, preserving me, thus full
of execrable defilements, from the waters of the sea, for the water of
Thy Grace; whereby when I was cleansed, the streams of my mother's eyes
should be dried, with which for me she daily watered the ground under
her face. And yet refusing to return without me, I scarcely persuaded
her to stay that night in a place hard by our ship, where was an Oratory
in memory of the blessed Cyprian. That night I privily departed, but she
was not behind in weeping and prayer. And what, O Lord, was she with so
many tears asking of Thee, but that Thou wouldest not suffer me to sail?
But Thou, in the depth of Thy counsels and hearing the main point of her
desire, regardest not what she then asked, that Thou mightest make me
what she ever asked. The wind blew and swelled our sails, and withdrew
the shore from our sight; and she on the morrow was there, frantic with
sorrow, and with complaints and groans filled Thine ears, Who didst then
disregard them; whilst through my desires, Thou wert hurrying me to end
all desire, and the earthly part of her affection to me was chastened
by the allotted scourge of sorrows. For she loved my being with her, as
mothers do, but much more than many; and she knew not how great joy Thou
wert about to work for her out of my absence. She knew not; therefore
did she weep and wail, and by this agony there appeared in her the
inheritance of Eve, with sorrow seeking what in sorrow she had brought
forth. And yet, after accusing my treachery and hardheartedness, she
betook herself again to intercede to Thee for me, went to her wonted
place, and I to Rome.

And lo, there was I received by the scourge of bodily sickness, and I
was going down to hell, carrying all the sins which I had committed,
both against Thee, and myself, and others, many and grievous, over and
above that bond of original sin, whereby we all die in Adam. For
Thou hadst not forgiven me any of these things in Christ, nor had He
abolished by His Cross the enmity which by my sins I had incurred with
Thee. For how should He, by the crucifixion of a phantasm, which I
believed Him to be? So true, then, was the death of my soul, as that
of His flesh seemed to me false; and how true the death of His body,
so false was the life of my soul, which did not believe it. And now the
fever heightening, I was parting and departing for ever. For had I then
parted hence, whither had I departed, but into fire and torments, such
as my misdeeds deserved in the truth of Thy appointment? And this she
knew not, yet in absence prayed for me. But Thou, everywhere present,
heardest her where she was, and, where I was, hadst compassion upon me;
that I should recover the health of my body, though frenzied as yet
in my sacrilegious heart. For I did not in all that danger desire Thy
baptism; and I was better as a boy, when I begged it of my mother's
piety, as I have before recited and confessed. But I had grown up to my
own shame, and I madly scoffed at the prescripts of Thy medicine, who
wouldest not suffer me, being such, to die a double death. With which
wound had my mother's heart been pierced, it could never be healed. For
I cannot express the affection she bore to me, and with how much more
vehement anguish she was now in labour of me in the spirit, than at her
childbearing in the flesh.

I see not then how she should have been healed, had such a death of mine
stricken through the bowels of her love. And where would have been those
her so strong and unceasing prayers, unintermitting to Thee alone? But
wouldest Thou, God of mercies, despise the contrite and humbled heart of
that chaste and sober widow, so frequent in almsdeeds, so full of duty
and service to Thy saints, no day intermitting the oblation at Thine
altar, twice a day, morning and evening, without any intermission,
coming to Thy church, not for idle tattlings and old wives' fables; but
that she might hear Thee in Thy discourses, and Thou her in her prayers.
Couldest Thou despise and reject from Thy aid the tears of such an one,
wherewith she begged of Thee not gold or silver, nor any mutable or
passing good, but the salvation of her son's soul? Thou, by whose gift
she was such? Never, Lord. Yea, Thou wert at hand, and wert hearing and
doing, in that order wherein Thou hadst determined before that it should
be done. Far be it that Thou shouldest deceive her in Thy visions and
answers, some whereof I have, some I have not mentioned, which she laid
up in her faithful heart, and ever praying, urged upon Thee, as
Thine own handwriting. For Thou, because Thy mercy endureth for ever,
vouchsafest to those to whom Thou forgivest all of their debts, to
become also a debtor by Thy promises.

Thou recoveredst me then of that sickness, and healedst the son of Thy
handmaid, for the time in body, that he might live, for Thee to bestow
upon him a better and more abiding health. And even then, at Rome, I
joined myself to those deceiving and deceived "holy ones"; not with
their disciples only (of which number was he, in whose house I had
fallen sick and recovered); but also with those whom they call "The
Elect." For I still thought "that it was not we that sin, but that I
know not what other nature sinned in us"; and it delighted my pride, to
be free from blame; and when I had done any evil, not to confess I had
done any, that Thou mightest heal my soul because it had sinned against
Thee: but I loved to excuse it, and to accuse I know not what other
thing, which was with me, but which I was not. But in truth it was
wholly I, and mine impiety had divided me against myself: and that sin
was the more incurable, whereby I did not judge myself a sinner; and
execrable iniquity it was, that I had rather have Thee, Thee, O God
Almighty, to be overcome in me to my destruction, than myself of Thee to
salvation. Not as yet then hadst Thou set a watch before my mouth, and a
door of safe keeping around my lips, that my heart might not turn
aside to wicked speeches, to make excuses of sins, with men that work
iniquity; and, therefore, was I still united with their Elect.

But now despairing to make proficiency in that false doctrine, even
those things (with which if I should find no better, I had resolved to
rest contented) I now held more laxly and carelessly. For there half
arose a thought in me that those philosophers, whom they call Academics,
were wiser than the rest, for that they held men ought to doubt
everything, and laid down that no truth can be comprehended by man:
for so, not then understanding even their meaning, I also was clearly
convinced that they thought, as they are commonly reported. Yet did I
freely and openly discourage that host of mine from that over-confidence
which I perceived him to have in those fables, which the books of
Manichaeus are full of. Yet I lived in more familiar friendship with
them, than with others who were not of this heresy. Nor did I maintain
it with my ancient eagerness; still my intimacy with that sect (Rome
secretly harbouring many of them) made me slower to seek any other way:
especially since I despaired of finding the truth, from which they had
turned me aside, in Thy Church, O Lord of heaven and earth, Creator of
all things visible and invisible: and it seemed to me very unseemly to
believe Thee to have the shape of human flesh, and to be bounded by the
bodily lineaments of our members. And because, when I wished to think on
my God, I knew not what to think of, but a mass of bodies (for what was
not such did not seem to me to be anything), this was the greatest, and
almost only cause of my inevitable error.

For hence I believed Evil also to be some such kind of substance, and
to have its own foul and hideous bulk; whether gross, which they called
earth, or thin and subtile (like the body of the air), which they
imagine to be some malignant mind, creeping through that earth. And
because a piety, such as it was, constrained me to believe that the good
God never created any evil nature, I conceived two masses, contrary
to one another, both unbounded, but the evil narrower, the good more
expansive. And from this pestilent beginning, the other sacrilegious
conceits followed on me. For when my mind endeavoured to recur to the
Catholic faith, I was driven back, since that was not the Catholic faith
which I thought to be so. And I seemed to myself more reverential, if I
believed of Thee, my God (to whom Thy mercies confess out of my mouth),
as unbounded, at least on other sides, although on that one where the
mass of evil was opposed to Thee, I was constrained to confess Thee
bounded; than if on all sides I should imagine Thee to be bounded by the
form of a human body. And it seemed to me better to believe Thee to have
created no evil (which to me ignorant seemed not some only, but a bodily
substance, because I could not conceive of mind unless as a subtile
body, and that diffused in definite spaces), than to believe the nature
of evil, such as I conceived it, could come from Thee. Yea, and our
Saviour Himself, Thy Only Begotten, I believed to have been reached
forth (as it were) for our salvation, out of the mass of Thy most lucid
substance, so as to believe nothing of Him, but what I could imagine in
my vanity. His Nature then, being such, I thought could not be born
of the Virgin Mary, without being mingled with the flesh: and how that
which I had so figured to myself could be mingled, and not defiled, I
saw not. I feared therefore to believe Him born in the flesh, lest
I should be forced to believe Him defiled by the flesh. Now will Thy
spiritual ones mildly and lovingly smile upon me, if they shall read
these my confessions. Yet such was I.

Furthermore, what the Manichees had criticised in Thy Scriptures, I
thought could not be defended; yet at times verily I had a wish to
confer upon these several points with some one very well skilled in
those books, and to make trial what he thought thereon; for the words
of one Helpidius, as he spoke and disputed face to face against the
said Manichees, had begun to stir me even at Carthage: in that he
had produced things out of the Scriptures, not easily withstood, the
Manichees' answer whereto seemed to me weak. And this answer they
liked not to give publicly, but only to us in private. It was, that the
Scriptures of the New Testament had been corrupted by I know not whom,
who wished to engraff the law of the Jews upon the Christian faith: yet
themselves produced not any uncorrupted copies. But I, conceiving of
things corporeal only, was mainly held down, vehemently oppressed and
in a manner suffocated by those "masses"; panting under which after the
breath of Thy truth, I could not brea the it pure and untainted.

I began then diligently to practise that for which I came to Rome, to
teach rhetoric; and first, to gather some to my house, to whom, and
through whom, I had begun to be known; when lo, I found other offences
committed in Rome, to which I was not exposed in Africa. True, those
"subvertings" by profligate young men were not here practised, as was
told me: but on a sudden, said they, to avoid paying their
master's stipend, a number of youths plot together, and remove to
another;--breakers of faith, who for love of money hold justice cheap.
These also my heart hated, though not with a perfect hatred: for
perchance I hated them more because I was to suffer by them, than
because they did things utterly unlawful. Of a truth such are base
persons, and they go a whoring from Thee, loving these fleeting
mockeries of things temporal, and filthy lucre, which fouls the hand
that grasps it; hugging the fleeting world, and despising Thee, Who
abidest, and recallest, and forgivest the adulteress soul of man, when
she returns to Thee. And now I hate such depraved and crooked persons,
though I love them if corrigible, so as to prefer to money the learning
which they acquire, and to learning, Thee, O God, the truth and fulness
of assured good, and most pure peace. But then I rather for my own sake
misliked them evil, than liked and wished them good for Thine.

When therefore they of Milan had sent to Rome to the prefect of the
city, to furnish them with a rhetoric reader for their city, and sent
him at the public expense, I made application (through those very
persons, intoxicated with Manichaean vanities, to be freed wherefrom
I was to go, neither of us however knowing it) that Symmachus, then
prefect of the city, would try me by setting me some subject, and so
send me. To Milan I came, to Ambrose the Bishop, known to the whole
world as among the best of men, Thy devout servant; whose eloquent
discourse did then plentifully dispense unto Thy people the flour of Thy
wheat, the gladness of Thy oil, and the sober inebriation of Thy wine.
To him was I unknowing led by Thee, that by him I might knowingly be
led to Thee. That man of God received me as a father, and showed me an
Episcopal kindness on my coming. Thenceforth I began to love him, at
first indeed not as a teacher of the truth (which I utterly despaired
of in Thy Church), but as a person kind towards myself. And I listened
diligently to him preaching to the people, not with that intent I ought,
but, as it were, trying his eloquence, whether it answered the fame
thereof, or flowed fuller or lower than was reported; and I hung on his
words attentively; but of the matter I was as a careless and scornful
looker-on; and I was delighted with the sweetness of his discourse,
more recondite, yet in manner less winning and harmonious, than that of
Faustus. Of the matter, however, there was no comparison; for the one
was wandering amid Manichaean delusions, the other teaching salvation
most soundly. But salvation is far from sinners, such as I then stood
before him; and yet was I drawing nearer by little and little, and

For though I took no pains to learn what he spake, but only to hear how
he spake (for that empty care alone was left me, despairing of a way,
open for man, to Thee), yet together with the words which I would
choose, came also into my mind the things which I would refuse; for
I could not separate them. And while I opened my heart to admit "how
eloquently he spake," there also entered "how truly he spake"; but this
by degrees. For first, these things also had now begun to appear to
me capable of defence; and the Catholic faith, for which I had thought
nothing could be said against the Manichees' objections, I now thought
might be maintained without shamelessness; especially after I had heard
one or two places of the Old Testament resolved, and ofttimes "in a
figure," which when I understood literally, I was slain spiritually.
Very many places then of those books having been explained, I now blamed
my despair, in believing that no answer could be given to such as hated
and scoffed at the Law and the Prophets. Yet did I not therefore then
see that the Catholic way was to be held, because it also could find
learned maintainers, who could at large and with some show of reason
answer objections; nor that what I held was therefore to be condemned,
because both sides could be maintained. For the Catholic cause seemed to
me in such sort not vanquished, as still not as yet to be victorious.

Hereupon I earnestly bent my mind, to see if in any way I could by any
certain proof convict the Manichees of falsehood. Could I once have
conceived a spiritual substance, all their strongholds had been beaten
down, and cast utterly out of my mind; but I could not. Notwithstanding,
concerning the frame of this world, and the whole of nature, which the
senses of the flesh can reach to, as I more and more considered and
compared things, I judged the tenets of most of the philosophers to have
been much more probable. So then after the manner of the Academics (as
they are supposed) doubting of every thing, and wavering between all, I
settled so far, that the Manichees were to be abandoned; judging that,
even while doubting, I might not continue in that sect, to which I
already preferred some of the philosophers; to which philosophers
notwithstanding, for that they were without the saving Name of Christ,
I utterly refused to commit the cure of my sick soul. I determined
therefore so long to be a Catechumen in the Catholic Church, to which
I had been commended by my parents, till something certain should dawn
upon me, whither I might steer my course.

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contact me @ or
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Wikipedia - 100-man kumite -- An extreme test of physical and mental endurance in Kyokushin karate
Wikipedia - 2011 Parapan American Games -- International multi-sport event for athletes with a physical disability
Wikipedia - 4D film -- 3D film with physical effects that occur in the theater
Wikipedia - Abdominal distension -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Abdominojugular test -- Physical examination test useful in diagnosing right ventricle dysfunction
Wikipedia - Abstract and concrete -- Classifications that denote whether a term describes an object with a physical referent or one with no physical referents
Wikipedia - Acoustic seabed classification -- The partitioning of a seabed acoustic image into discrete physical entities or classes
Wikipedia - Action (physics) -- Physical quantity of dimension energy M-CM-^W time
Wikipedia - Adams Forward Bend Test -- Physical test to diagnose scoliosis
Wikipedia - Adolescence -- Transitional stage of physical and psychological development
Wikipedia - Aerobics -- Form of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Agility drill -- Form of physical exercise which aims to improve agility
Wikipedia - Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy -- Higher education institution in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Alam al Mulk -- The physical realm in Islamic cosmology
Wikipedia - Alcohol intoxication -- Physical effects due to ethanol (alcohol)
Wikipedia - Alenka Luzar -- Slovenian-American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Alexander Katan -- A Dutch Jewish physically disabled accountant, translator, and teacher, who was murdered by the Nazis in The Holocaust
Wikipedia - Alexandra Navrotsky -- Physical chemist in the field of nanogeoscience
Wikipedia - Algebra of physical space
Wikipedia - Alice Mossie Brues -- Physical anthropologist and botanist
Wikipedia - Alice Roberts -- English physician, anatomist, physical anthropologist, television presenter, author
Wikipedia - American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Wikipedia - American Geophysical Union -- Nonprofit organization of geophysicists
Wikipedia - American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Amount of substance -- Extensive physical property
Wikipedia - Amy Bower -- American physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Anaerobic exercise -- Physical exercise intense enough to cause lactate formation
Wikipedia - Andrew Marvell -- English Metaphysical poet, satirist and politician
Wikipedia - Angular momentum -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Angular velocity -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Archaeological record -- Body of physical (i.e. not written) evidence about the past
Wikipedia - Archon (Gnosticism) -- Builders of the physical realm that serve the demiurge
Wikipedia - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Assault -- Physical attack of another person
Wikipedia - Assisted suicide -- Suicide committed by someone with assistance from another person or persons, typically in regard to people suffering from a severe physical illness
Wikipedia - Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate -- Physical science research facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - Astronomical object -- Large natural physical entity in space
Wikipedia - Astrophysical plasma
Wikipedia - Astrophysical sciences
Wikipedia - Athletics (physical culture)
Wikipedia - Atlantic Meridional Transect -- A multi-decadal oceanographic programme that undertakes biological, chemical and physical research during annual voyages between the UK and destinations in the South Atlantic
Wikipedia - Atolls of the Maldives -- Physical geographic entity
Wikipedia - Atomic line filter -- Optical band-pass filter used in the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Attachment Unit Interface -- A physical and logical interface defined in the original Ethernet standard
Wikipedia - Auger effect -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Auriculotherapy -- Pseudocientific alternative medicine practice based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, and that physical, mental or emotional health conditions are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear.
Wikipedia - Avidya (Buddhism) -- Ignorance or misconceptions about the nature of metaphysical reality
Wikipedia - Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet -- special-purpose Ethernet physical layer for avionics, by Airbus
Wikipedia - Avogadro constant -- Fundamental physical constant (symbols: L,NM-aM-4M-^@) representing the molar number of entities
Wikipedia - Badge -- Physical or digital insignia indicating membership, rank or accomplishment
Wikipedia - Barre (exercise) -- Form of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Basal ganglia disease -- Group of physical problems resulting from basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Battered woman syndrome -- Condition resulting from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
Wikipedia - Benthic lander -- Autonomous observational platforms that sit on the seabed to record physical, chemical or biological activity
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome -- Signs and symptoms due to benzodiazepines discontinuation in physically dependent persons
Wikipedia - Bernarr Macfadden -- American physical culturist and magazine publisher
Wikipedia - Bessie Blount Griffin -- American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Beta decay transition -- Physical phenomenom
Wikipedia - BET theory -- Theory for physical adsorption of gas molecules on a solid surface
Wikipedia - Big-box store -- physically large retail establishment
Wikipedia - Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications -- Scientific journal covering biochemistry and biophysics.
Wikipedia - Bioeconomics (biophysical)
Wikipedia - Biological anthropology -- Branch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species
Wikipedia - Biome -- Distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate
Wikipedia - Biophysical chemistry
Wikipedia - Biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Biophysical environment -- Surrounding of an organism or population
Wikipedia - Biophysical profile -- Prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well-being
Wikipedia - Biophysical Society
Wikipedia - Biophysical
Wikipedia - Biophysics -- Study of biological systems using methods from the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Black body -- idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation
Wikipedia - Black hole thermodynamics -- Area of physical study that seeks to reconcile the laws of thermodynamics with the existence of black hole event horizons
Wikipedia - Black hole -- Compact astrophysical object with gravity so strong nothing can escape
Wikipedia - Blood-ocular barrier -- A physical barrier between the local blood vessels and most parts of the eye itself
Wikipedia - Blood-testis barrier -- A physical barrier between the blood vessels and the seminiferous tubules of the animal testes
Wikipedia - Blunt trauma -- Physical trauma caused to a body part, either by impact, injury or physical attack
Wikipedia - Boltzmann constant -- Physical constant relating particle kinetic energy with temperature
Wikipedia - Bragg's law -- Physical law regarding scattering angles of radiation through a medium
Wikipedia - Brahman -- Metaphysical concept, unchanging Ultimate Reality in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Brane -- Extended physical object in string theory
Wikipedia - Branka Ladanyi -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Brass plate company -- Company of no physical substance
Wikipedia - Bridge -- structure built to span physical obstacles
Wikipedia - British Geophysical Association
Wikipedia - Broken heart -- Metaphor for intense emotional/physical stress or pain one feels at experiencing longing
Wikipedia - Buddy line -- A line physically tethering two scuba divers together underwater to avoid separation in low visibility conditions
Wikipedia - Buffer stop -- Device to prevent railway vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track
Wikipedia - Campuses of Georgetown University -- Physical facilities of Georgetown University
Wikipedia - Canadian Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - Candidate Physical Ability Test -- Physical assessment for aspiring firefighters
Wikipedia - Canonical coordinates -- sets of coordinates on phase space which can be used to describe a physical system
Wikipedia - Caroline Bond Day -- American physical anthropologist, author and educator
Wikipedia - Caroline Chick Jarrold -- Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Cash -- Physical money
Wikipedia - Category:American physical chemists
Wikipedia - Category:Awards of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical fiction novels
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical poetry
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysical theories
Wikipedia - Category:People associated with physical culture
Wikipedia - Category:Physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Category:Physicalism
Wikipedia - Category:Presidents of the Metaphysical Society of America
Wikipedia - Category:Scientists of the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Causal closure -- Metaphysical theory
Wikipedia - Centimetre-gram-second system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the centimetre, gram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Chain fountain -- physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Chain of custody -- Chronological documentation or paper trail, showing custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence
Wikipedia - Characterization of nanoparticles -- Measurement of physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles
Wikipedia - Charmian O'Connor -- New Zealand physical organic chemist
Wikipedia - Chemical potential -- Intensive physical property
Wikipedia - Chinese Physical Society -- Scientific society
Wikipedia - Choreography -- Art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies
Wikipedia - Christian Science -- Set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Christophany -- Appearance or non-physical manifestation of Christ
Wikipedia - Civil engineering -- Engineering discipline focused on physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Claire Vallance -- Professor of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Clairvoyance -- Ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception
Wikipedia - Classical field theory -- Physical theory describing classical fields
Wikipedia - Cloud physics -- Study of the physical processes in atmospheric clouds
Wikipedia - Coffee roasting -- Transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee products
Wikipedia - Collision -- An instance of two or more bodies physically contacting each other within short period of time
Wikipedia - Comfort -- Sense of physical or psychological ease
Wikipedia - Compassion fatigue -- Condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion
Wikipedia - Computer hardware -- Physical components of a computer
Wikipedia - Condensation -- Change of the physical state of matter from gas phase into liquid phase; reverse of evaporation
Wikipedia - Conservation law -- Scientific law regarding conservation of a physical property
Wikipedia - Contact sport -- Sport that emphasizes or requires physical contact between players
Wikipedia - Control room -- Room where a large or physically dispersed facility or service can be monitored and controlled
Wikipedia - Convolution reverb -- Process used for digitally simulating the reverberation of a physical or virtual space
Wikipedia - Corona poling -- physical optoelectronics technique
Wikipedia - Coulomb gap -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - C. P. Snow -- English novelist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Cultural heritage -- Physical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations
Wikipedia - Cultural property -- Physical cultural heritage; monuments, artworks, libraries etc.
Wikipedia - Cum sole -- A Latin phrase meaning with the sun, sometimes used in meteorology and physical oceanography to refer to anticyclonic motion
Wikipedia - Cuteness -- Subjective physical trait
Wikipedia - Cutman -- person responsible for preventing and treating physical damage to a fighter
Wikipedia - Cyber-physical system -- Engineered systems built and operated with seamless integration physical components and computation
Wikipedia - Cycle sport -- Competitive physical activity using bicycles
Wikipedia - Dandy -- Historically, a man who emphasised physical appearance, refined language and leisurely hobbies
Wikipedia - Data buffer -- Region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another
Wikipedia - Data mule -- Vehicle that physically moves digital storage media between locations
Wikipedia - David Ginger -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Decibel -- Logarithmic unit expressing the ratio of a physical quantity
Wikipedia - Deep-sea exploration -- Investigation of physical, chemical, and biological conditions on the sea bed
Wikipedia - Degenerate matter -- Collection of free, non-interacting particles with a pressure and other physical characteristics determined by quantum mechanical effects
Wikipedia - Degree symbol -- Typographical symbol used to represent different physical quantities
Wikipedia - Demiurge -- An artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe
Wikipedia - Depositional environment -- The combination of physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deposition of a particular type of sediment
Wikipedia - Desktop virtualization -- Software technology that separates the desktop environment and associated application software from the physical client device that is used to access it.
Wikipedia - Digital distribution of video games -- Process of delivering video game content as digital information, without the exchange or purchase of new physical media
Wikipedia - Digital twin -- A digital replica of a living or non-living physical entity
Wikipedia - Dimensional analysis -- Analysis of the relationships between different physical quantities by identifying their base quantities
Wikipedia - Disability robot -- Robot designed to help people who have physical disabilities
Wikipedia - Display size -- Physical size of the area where pictures and videos are displayed
Wikipedia - Dissociation (psychology) -- Mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience
Wikipedia - Distance education -- Mode of delivering education to students who are not physically present
Wikipedia - Distance -- Straight line that connects two points in a measurable space or in an observable physical space
Wikipedia - Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Donation -- Gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause
Wikipedia - Dormancy -- State of minimized physical activity of an organism
Wikipedia - Draft:Bommetje -- Dutch waterpark physical challenge TV game show
Wikipedia - Draft:UC Santa Cruz Division of Physical & Biological Sciences -- World-leading public research university in Santa Cruz, California, United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Verkada -- Cloud-based physical security startup
Wikipedia - Dunfermline College of Physical Education -- Teacher training college
Wikipedia - Eating disorder -- Mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person's physical or mental health
Wikipedia - Edgar William Richard Steacie -- Canadian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Effective field theory -- Type of approximation to an underlying physical theory
Wikipedia - Elasticity (physics) -- Physical property when materials or objects return to original shape after deformation
Wikipedia - Elasto-capillarity -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Electrical resistivity tomography -- A geophysical technique for imaging sub-surface structures
Wikipedia - Electric charge -- Physical property that quantifies an object's interaction with electric fields
Wikipedia - Electricity -- Physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge
Wikipedia - Electrocapillarity -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Bing -- 20th and 21st-century American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Energy drink -- Type of beverage containing stimulant drugs such as caffeine and marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation
Wikipedia - Energy -- Physical property transferred to objects to perform heating or work
Wikipedia - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Wikipedia - Engineering controls -- Hazard controls that are physical changes to the workplace
Wikipedia - Environment (biophysical)
Wikipedia - Equation of state -- An equation describing the state of matter under a given set of physical conditions
Wikipedia - Equimolar counterdiffusion -- Type of physical process
Wikipedia - Erich Huckel -- German physical chemist and physicist
Wikipedia - Estampage -- Physical impression
Wikipedia - Ethernet physical layer -- physical network layer of the Ethernet communications technologies
Wikipedia - European Review of Aging and Physical Activity -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Excursion -- Trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes
Wikipedia - Exercise -- Bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness
Wikipedia - Existence -- Ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality
Wikipedia - Explanatory gap -- Difficulty that physicalist theories have in explaining how physical properties give rise to the way things feel when they are experienced
Wikipedia - Fabless manufacturing -- Semiconductor company which designs and sells chips whose physical manufacturing is outsourced to a foundry
Wikipedia - F. A. Hornibrook -- Irish physical culturalist and writer
Wikipedia - Fatigue -- Range of afflictions, usually associated with physical and/or mental weakness
Wikipedia - Fellow of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Ferromagnetism -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Field-theoretic simulation -- Numerical strategy to calculate structure and physical properties of a many-particle system
Wikipedia - Fighting in ice hockey -- Physical play in ice hockey
Wikipedia - Fine-tuned universe -- The hypothesis that life in the Universe depends upon certain physical constants having values within a narrow range and the belief that the observed values warrant an explanation.
Wikipedia - Finite element method -- Numerical method for solving physical or engineering problems
Wikipedia - Fitness culture -- A sociocultural phenomenon surrounding exercise and physical fitness.
Wikipedia - Fluid Dynamics Prize (APS) -- Award of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Food physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Foot-pound-second system -- Physical system of measurement that uses the foot, pound, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Foreplay -- Set of emotionally and physically intimate acts between people meant to create sexual arousal and desire for sexual activity
Wikipedia - Form factor (design) -- aspect of design which defines the size, shape, and other physical specifications of hardware
Wikipedia - Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
Wikipedia - Fourth Industrial Revolution -- Current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing
Wikipedia - Fractional quantum Hall effect -- Physical phenomenon in which the Hall conductance of 2D electrons shows precisely quantized plateaus at fractional values of eM-BM-2/h
Wikipedia - Frame of reference -- Abstract coordinate system and the set of physical reference points that uniquely fix (locate and orient) the coordinate system and standardize measurement (s)
Wikipedia - Francoise Remacle -- Belgian theoretical physical chemist
Wikipedia - Frans C. De Schryver -- Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Frederick Gardner Cottrell -- American physical chemist, inventor and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Freight transport -- Physical process of transporting commodities and merchandise goods and cargo
Wikipedia - Fundamental interaction -- Any of the physical interactions or forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear
Wikipedia - Gas constant -- Physical constant equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, but in different units
Wikipedia - Gas laws -- Scientific description of the bahaviour of gases as physical conditions vary
Wikipedia - Geological history of Mars -- Physical evolution of the planet Mars
Wikipedia - Geology -- Study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components and processes
Wikipedia - Geophysical fluid dynamics -- The fluid dynamics of naturally occurring flows, such as lava flows, oceans, and planetary atmospheres, on Earth and other planets
Wikipedia - Geophysical MASINT
Wikipedia - Geophysical Service -- American oil and gas exploration company
Wikipedia - Geophysical survey (archaeology) -- Non-invasive physical sensing techniques used for archaeological imaging or mapping
Wikipedia - Geophysical survey -- The systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies
Wikipedia - George Cowan -- physical chemist and businessperson
Wikipedia - Gerhard Herzberg -- German-Canadian physicist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - German Physical Society -- Physics organisation in Germany
Wikipedia - Gilbert N. Lewis -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Global developmental delay -- Umbrella term used when children are significantly delayed in their cognitive and physical development
Wikipedia - Gordana Dukovic -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Government College of Physical Education for Women -- Institute in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Gravitational memory effect -- Predicted physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Group velocity -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Gunshot wound -- Form of physical trauma sustained from the discharge of arms or munitions
Wikipedia - Gymnastics -- Type of sport that requires a wide variety of physical strength and flexibility
Wikipedia - Hackerspace -- Community-operated physical space for people with common interests
Wikipedia - Hard copy -- Paper or other physical form of information
Wikipedia - Harold Urey -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Hatha yoga -- Branch of yoga focusing on physical techniques
Wikipedia - Health club -- A place which houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Helen H. Fielding -- Professor and Head of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Wikipedia - History of classical mechanics -- History of classical mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
Wikipedia - History of metaphysical naturalism
Wikipedia - History of metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - History of physical training and fitness -- History of physical training
Wikipedia - History of the physical sciences
Wikipedia - History of writing -- The creation and development of permanent, physical records of language
Wikipedia - Holding hands -- Form of physical intimacy
Wikipedia - Hubble's law -- Observation in physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Human behavior -- Array of every physical action and observable emotion associated with humans
Wikipedia - Human Markup Language -- XML specification developed to contextually describe physical, kinesic, cultural, and social information about instances of human communicatio
Wikipedia - Human physical appearance -- Look, outward phenotype
Wikipedia - Hybrid drive -- Logical or physical storage device containing both solid-state and hard disk storage
Wikipedia - Hydrography -- Applied science of measurement and description of physical features of bodies of water
Wikipedia - Hypoventilation training -- Physical training method in which reduced breathing frequency are interspersed with periods with normal breathing
Wikipedia - Imaginary line -- A mathematical curve which does not physically exist
Wikipedia - Infrastructure policy of Donald Trump -- President Trump's policies for physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Inokuchi Akuri -- Japanese physical educator
Wikipedia - Interconnection -- In telecommunications, physical linking of a carrier's network with equipment or facilities not belonging to that network
Wikipedia - International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans -- International non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - International Centre for Theoretical Physics -- International research institute for physical and mathematical sciences
Wikipedia - International Geophysical Year
Wikipedia - International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Wikipedia - International Prototype of the Kilogram -- Physical artifact that formerly defined the kilogram
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Physical Design
Wikipedia - Internet of things -- Proposed Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects
Wikipedia - Inverse-square law -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Isabel Hadfield -- British physical chemist
Wikipedia - Isabella Karle -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff -- Dutch physical and organic chemist
Wikipedia - Janine Krippner -- Physical volcanologist from New Zealand
Wikipedia - Jeanne Hardy -- American professor of biological and biophysical chemistry
Wikipedia - Jin Hongguang -- Chinese physical chemist
Wikipedia - Jiva -- Metaphysical entity believed to be imbued with a life force
Wikipedia - J. Keith Fraser -- Canadian physical geographer
Wikipedia - Jati (Buddhism) -- Physical birth In Buddhism
Wikipedia - John M. Deutch -- American physical chemist and civil servant
Wikipedia - Josephson effect -- Quantum physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Joshua Jortner -- Israeli physical chemist
Wikipedia - Journal of Geophysical Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Oceanography -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Meteorological Society.
Wikipedia - Judy Hirst -- Physical Chemist
Wikipedia - Jury stress -- Physical and mental tension affecting juries
Wikipedia - Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Wikipedia - Karen Heywood -- British physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Katharine Bartlett -- American physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Katheryn Edmonds Rajnak -- American theoretical physical chemist
Wikipedia - Kenneth M. Watson -- American theoretical physicist and physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Keyboard layout -- Any specific physical, visual, or functional arrangement of the keys of a computer keyboard
Wikipedia - Kick -- Physical strike using the leg, foot or knee
Wikipedia - Kinesthetic learning -- Learning by physical activities
Wikipedia - Kinetic energy -- Energy of a moving physical body
Wikipedia - Kirsten Bos -- Canadian physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Kondo effect -- Physical phenomenon due to impurities
Wikipedia - Kusal Goonewardena -- Australian physical therapist
Wikipedia - Landau-Hopf theory of turbulence -- Physical theory
Wikipedia - Landscape history -- Study of the way in which humanity has changed the physical appearance of the environment
Wikipedia - Lanny D. Schmidt -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Larmor precession -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Lattice constant -- Physical dimensions of unit cells in a crystal
Wikipedia - Learning environment -- Term referring to several things; educational approach, cultural context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning occur
Wikipedia - Learning space -- Physical setting for a learning environment
Wikipedia - Lee Rogers Berger -- Paleoanthropologist, physical anthropologist, archaeologist
Wikipedia - Legs On The Wall -- Australian physical theatre company
Wikipedia - Leidenfrost effect -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Leopoldina Ferreira Paulo -- physical or biological anthropologist.
Wikipedia - Liang Jingkui -- Chinese physical chemist and professor
Wikipedia - Library of the Printed Web -- Physical archive
Wikipedia - Lidija LiepiM-EM-^Fa -- Latvian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Life -- Characteristic that distinguishes physical entities having biological processes
Wikipedia - Lin Chambers -- American physical scientist
Wikipedia - Liquid oxygen -- One of the physical forms of elemental oxygen
Wikipedia - Lisette Burrows -- New Zealand physical education academic
Wikipedia - List of American Physical Society Fellows
Wikipedia - List of American Physical Society prizes and awards
Wikipedia - List of authors from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
Wikipedia - List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biophysically important macromolecular crystal structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of human positions -- Physical configurations of the human body
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (Applied physical sciences)
Wikipedia - List of ocean circulation models -- Models used in physical oceanography.
Wikipedia - List of physical constants -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physically disabled politicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physical properties of glass -- Physical properties of common glasses
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the American Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - List of scientists whose names are used in physical constants -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Logic gate -- Computational equipment, physical or theoretical, that performs a boolean logic function
Wikipedia - Lookism -- Discrimination based on physical attractiveness
Wikipedia - Lucy Carpenter -- Professor of physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Luminous flux -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Lynda Soderholm -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Lyubomir Krastanov -- Bulgarian physical scientist
Wikipedia - MAC address -- Unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment
Wikipedia - Magnetic moment -- Physical quantity; measured in ampere square metre
Wikipedia - Magnetism -- Class of physical phenomena
Wikipedia - Magnetization -- Physical quantity, density of magnetic moment per volume
Wikipedia - Magnet Theatre -- Independent physical theatre company based in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Mantrap (access control) -- Physical security access control system
Wikipedia - Manual labour -- Physical work done by people
Wikipedia - Manual therapy -- Physical treatment used to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability
Wikipedia - Marangoni effect -- Physical phenomenon between two fluids
Wikipedia - Mark Ratner -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Martin Quack -- German physical chemist, spectroscopist
Wikipedia - Martin Suhm -- German physical chemist, spectroscopist
Wikipedia - Mary Archer -- British physical chemist and university academic
Wikipedia - Material culture -- Physical aspect of culture in the objects and architecture that surround people
Wikipedia - Materials science -- Interdisciplinary field which deals with discovery and design of new materials, primarily of physical and chemical properties of solids
Wikipedia - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences -- Book by Mary L. Boas
Wikipedia - Max Born Medal and Prize -- Institute of Physics (IOP) and German Physical Society (DPG) award
Wikipedia - McKenzie method -- Method of physical therapy
Wikipedia - Measuring instrument -- Device for measuring a physical quantity
Wikipedia - Mechanics -- Science concerned with physical bodies subjected to forces or displacements
Wikipedia - Medical findings -- Collective physical and psychological occurrences of patients surveyed by a medical doctor
Wikipedia - Medicine -- Science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of physical and mental illnesses
Wikipedia - Memory management unit -- Hardware translating virtual addresses to physical address
Wikipedia - Metallurgy -- Domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metals
Wikipedia - Metaphysical aesthetics
Wikipedia - Metaphysical anti-realism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical art
Wikipedia - Metaphysical conceptualism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
Wikipedia - Metaphysical libertarianism
Wikipedia - Metaphysically
Wikipedia - Metaphysical naturalism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical necessity
Wikipedia - Metaphysical nihilism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical objectivism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical poets -- Term used to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century
Wikipedia - Metaphysical poet
Wikipedia - Metaphysical realism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Society of America -- Philosophical organization founded by Paul Weiss in 1950
Wikipedia - Metaphysical Society
Wikipedia - Metaphysical solipsism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical subjectivism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical voluntarism
Wikipedia - Metaphysical
Wikipedia - Metaverse -- Collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space
Wikipedia - Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency -- Indonesian government agency
Wikipedia - Metocean -- The syllabic abbreviation of meteorology and (physical) oceanography.
Wikipedia - Miliana Kroumova Kaisheva -- Bulgarian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Mind-body dualism -- Philosophical theory that mental phenomena are non-physical and that matter exists independently of mind
Wikipedia - Mind-body interventions -- Health and fitness interventions that are supposed to work on a physical and mental level such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates.
Wikipedia - Mind-body problem -- Open question in philosophy of how abstract minds interact with physical bodies
Wikipedia - Mind sport -- Game of skill where the mental exercise component is more significant than the physical
Wikipedia - Mixture -- Substance formed when two or more constituents are physically combined together
Wikipedia - MKS system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the metre, kilogram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Mohamed M. Atalla -- Egyptian engineer, physical chemist, cryptographer, inventor and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Molar mass constant -- Physical constant defined as the ratio of the molar mass and relative mass
Wikipedia - Momentum -- Conserved physical quantity related to the motion of a body
Wikipedia - Monika Rhein -- German physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - MossRehab -- Physical rehab facility in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Mouthfeel -- Physical sensations caused in the mouth by food or drink
Wikipedia - Multi-messenger astronomy -- Coordinated observation and interpretation of disparate "messenger" signals, created by different astrophysical processes
Wikipedia - Multiple drafts model -- A physicalist theory of consciousness based upon cognitivism
Wikipedia - Muscle architecture -- Physical arrangement of muscle fibers at the macroscopic level
Wikipedia - Mutilation -- Act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body
Wikipedia - Nanjing Sport Institute -- Chinese sports and physical education university
Wikipedia - National Physical Laboratory, UK
Wikipedia - National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise -- Umbrella organization for sports and physical education in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Natural philosophy -- Philosophical study of nature and physical universe that was a precursor to science.
Wikipedia - Natural units -- Physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants
Wikipedia - Nature -- Natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
Wikipedia - Negiah -- Forbids or restricts physical contact with a member of the opposite sex
Wikipedia - Neper -- Logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities
Wikipedia - Network mapping -- Study of a computer network's physical connections
Wikipedia - Network topology -- Arrangement of the various elements of a computer network; topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically
Wikipedia - Neurobiological effects of physical exercise -- Neural, cognitive, and behavioral effects of physical exercise
Wikipedia - Neutral monism -- umbrella term for a class of metaphysical theories in the philosophy of mind
Wikipedia - Newspaper format -- Physical characteristics of a newspaper
Wikipedia - Newton's law of cooling -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Newton's law of universal gravitation -- classical mechanics physical law
Wikipedia - Newton's laws of motion -- Physical laws in classical mechanics
Wikipedia - Nikolay Semyonov -- Soviet physical chemist
Wikipedia - No-go theorem -- Theorem of physical impossibility
Wikipedia - Non-physical entity -- Spirit or being that exists outside physical reality.
Wikipedia - Non-reductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Nonreductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Nordic walking -- Physical activity or sport involving cross-country walking with specially designed walking poles similar to ski poles
Wikipedia - North West Shelf Operational Oceanographic System -- Facility that monitors physical, sedimentological and ecological variables for the North Sea area
Wikipedia - Ocean general circulation model -- Model to describe physical and thermodynamical processes in oceans
Wikipedia - Oceanic physical-biological process -- Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic effects on marine organisms
Wikipedia - Oceanography -- The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean
Wikipedia - Omni Processor -- A group of physical, biological or chemical treatments to process fecal sludge
Wikipedia - On Physical Lines of Force
Wikipedia - On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences -- A book by Mary Somerville, written in 1834
Wikipedia - Operation (game) -- Battery-operated game of physical skill
Wikipedia - Operator (physics) -- Function acting on the space of physical states in physics
Wikipedia - Organism -- Any individual living physical entity
Wikipedia - Osteopathy -- Alternative medicine and pseudoscience that emphasizes physical manipulation of muscle and bones
Wikipedia - Outline of physical science -- Hierarchical outline list of articles related to the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Out-of-body experience -- A phenomenon in which the soul (astral body) is said to exit the physical body
Wikipedia - Overhead (diving) -- A physical or physiological constraint to an immediate direct ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Owen Martin Phillips -- American physical oceanographer and geophysicist
Wikipedia - Pain and suffering -- Legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury
Wikipedia - Palaeogeography -- The study of physical geography
Wikipedia - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - Panorama -- Wide-angle view or representation of a physical space
Wikipedia - Paralytic illness of Franklin D. Roosevelt -- 32nd US President's physical disability
Wikipedia - Parity (physics) -- Symmetry of physical systems under mirror reflections.
Wikipedia - Particle in a box -- Physical model in quantum mechanics which is analytically solvable
Wikipedia - Penetration diving -- Diving under a physical barrier to a direct vertical ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Penny (United States coin) -- Lowest-value physical American currency
Wikipedia - Performance Health -- Company; medical and physical therapy supply manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede -- Swedish biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Adolf Thiessen -- German physical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Debye -- Dutch-American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Peter Hore (chemist) -- Biophysical chemist
Wikipedia - Phase boundary -- In thermal equilibrium, each phase of physical matter comes to an end at a transitional point, or spatial interface, called a phase boundary, due to the immiscibility of said matter with the matter on the other side of said boundary
Wikipedia - Phase (matter) -- Region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform; region of material that is chemically uniform, physically distinct, (often) mechanically separable
Wikipedia - Phase transition -- Physical process of transition between basic states of matter
Wikipedia - Philippa Wiggins -- New Zealand biochemist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Physical abuse
Wikipedia - Physical access -- Ability of people to physically gain access to a computer system
Wikipedia - Physical activity
Wikipedia - Physical Address Extension -- Memory management feature
Wikipedia - Physical address
Wikipedia - Physical and logical qubits -- Notions distinguishing qubits as they should behave in quantum algorithms and their physical implementations
Wikipedia - Physical and logical storage
Wikipedia - Physical anthropology
Wikipedia - Physical attractiveness -- Degree to which a person's physical traits are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful
Wikipedia - Physical biochemist
Wikipedia - Physical bodies
Wikipedia - Physical body (Theosophy)
Wikipedia - Physical body
Wikipedia - Physical capital
Wikipedia - Physical characteristics of the Buddha
Wikipedia - Physical chemistry -- Study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
Wikipedia - Physical chemist
Wikipedia - Physical comedy
Wikipedia - Physical computing
Wikipedia - Physical constant -- Universal and unchanging physical quantity
Wikipedia - Physical cosmology -- Branch of astronomy
Wikipedia - Physical culture
Wikipedia - Physical data model
Wikipedia - Physical dependence
Wikipedia - Physical design (electronics)
Wikipedia - Physical determinism
Wikipedia - Physical development
Wikipedia - Physical disability -- Limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina
Wikipedia - Physical disorder
Wikipedia - Physical (Dua Lipa song) -- 2020 single by Dua Lipa
Wikipedia - Physical Education
Wikipedia - Physical education -- Educational course related to the physique of the human body
Wikipedia - Physical environment
Wikipedia - Physical Evidence -- 1989 film directed by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Physical examination -- Process by which a medical professional investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease
Wikipedia - Physical exercise
Wikipedia - Physical fitness -- State of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities
Wikipedia - Physical geodesy -- The study of the physical properties of the Earth's gravity field
Wikipedia - Physical geography -- The study of processes and patterns in the natural environment
Wikipedia - Physical hazard -- Hazard due to a physical agent
Wikipedia - Physical immortality
Wikipedia - Physical impacts of climate change
Wikipedia - Physical information security
Wikipedia - Physical information -- Form of information
Wikipedia - Physicalism -- Theory in philosophy
Wikipedia - Physical laws
Wikipedia - Physical law
Wikipedia - Physical layer -- the lowest-level electronic or optical transmission functions of a network
Wikipedia - Physically based rendering -- Computer graphics technique
Wikipedia - Physical medicine and rehabilitation -- Branch of medicine
Wikipedia - Physical modelling
Wikipedia - Physical model
Wikipedia - Physical neural network
Wikipedia - Physical object -- Identifiable collection of matter
Wikipedia - Physical oceanography -- The study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean
Wikipedia - Physical (Olivia Newton-John song) -- Single
Wikipedia - Physical ontology
Wikipedia - Physical optics
Wikipedia - Physical organic chemistry
Wikipedia - Physical pain
Wikipedia - Physical plane -- Theosophical philosophical concept
Wikipedia - Physical premotion
Wikipedia - Physical properties
Wikipedia - Physical property -- Attribute of a physical system or body; OR non-chemical property of a material
Wikipedia - Physical quality-of-life index
Wikipedia - Physical rehabilitation
Wikipedia - Physical restraint
Wikipedia - Physical Review Applied
Wikipedia - Physical Review A
Wikipedia - Physical Review B
Wikipedia - Physical Review D
Wikipedia - Physical Review E
Wikipedia - Physical Review Letters
Wikipedia - Physical Review
Wikipedia - Physical Review X
Wikipedia - Physical schema
Wikipedia - Physical Sciences-Oncology Center
Wikipedia - Physical sciences
Wikipedia - Physical science
Wikipedia - Physical security
Wikipedia - Physical Society of London
Wikipedia - Physical (Sri Aurobindo)
Wikipedia - Physical stimulation
Wikipedia - Physical strength
Wikipedia - Physical substance
Wikipedia - Physical symbol systems hypothesis
Wikipedia - Physical symbol system -- System that takes physical patterns and combines them into structures and manipulates them
Wikipedia - Physical systems
Wikipedia - Physical system -- Portion of the physical universe chosen for analysis; everything outside the system is known as the environment
Wikipedia - Physical test
Wikipedia - Physical therapist
Wikipedia - Physical therapy -- Health profession that aims to address the illnesses or injuries that limit a person's physical abilities to function in everyday life
Wikipedia - Physical vapor deposition -- Term in physics
Wikipedia - Physical world
Wikipedia - Physics engine -- Software for approximate simulation of physical systems
Wikipedia - Physiotherapy Evidence Database -- Physical therapy-centered bibliographic database
Wikipedia - PHY -- Integrated circuit required to implement physical layer functions of the OSI model in a network interface controller
Wikipedia - Pictogram -- Ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object
Wikipedia - Pilates -- Physical fitness system
Wikipedia - Pion decay constant -- Physical constant
Wikipedia - Pixel -- Physical point in a raster image
Wikipedia - Planck constant -- Physical constant representing the quantum of action
Wikipedia - Plasmid -- Small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently
Wikipedia - Plastic arts -- Form of art form based on the creation and modification of three-dimensional physical objects
Wikipedia - Plato's unwritten doctrines -- Metaphysical theory, alleged by his pupils and others to be esoterically taught by Plato, but not clearly given in his writings; the Tubingen School reconstructs it to comprise The One-a monistic principle-and The Indefinite Dyad of indeterminacy
Wikipedia - Plume tectonics -- Geophysical theory of movement of mantle plumes under tectonic plates
Wikipedia - Polydactyly -- Physical anomaly involving extra fingers or toes
Wikipedia - Polytrope -- Solution of the Lane-Emden pressure-density equation for astrophysical bodies
Wikipedia - Portal:Contents/Overview/Natural and physical sciences
Wikipedia - Practical joke -- Trick played on someone generally using physical action, and generally causing embarrassment, confusion, or discomfort
Wikipedia - Preferential hyperacuity perimetry -- Psychophysical test
Wikipedia - Premenstrual syndrome -- Emotional and physical symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a menstrual period.
Wikipedia - Principle of least action -- Variational principle for physical systems that minimizes the action of the system
Wikipedia - Prison -- Place in which people legally are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms
Wikipedia - Proceedings of the Physical Society -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Programmable matter -- Matter which can change its physical properties in a programmable fashion
Wikipedia - Properties of water -- Physical and chemical properties of pure water
Wikipedia - Property -- Physical or intangible entity, owned by a person or a group of people
Wikipedia - Propinquity -- Physical or psychological proximity between people
Wikipedia - Prospecting -- The physical search for minerals
Wikipedia - Protein-protein interaction -- Physical interactions and constructions between multiple proteins
Wikipedia - Proxmox Backup Server -- Linux distribution for backup of VMs, container, and physical hosts.
Wikipedia - Proxy (climate) -- Preserved physical characteristics allowing reconstruction of past climatic conditions
Wikipedia - Proxy marriage -- Wedding in which one or both of the individuals being united are not physically present
Wikipedia - Psychophysical parallelism -- Philosophical theory
Wikipedia - Quantum reflection -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum spin tunneling -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum vortex -- Quantized flux circulation of some physical quantity
Wikipedia - Race (human categorization) -- Grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories
Wikipedia - Radiance -- Physical quantity in radiometry
Wikipedia - Radiant flux -- Physical quantity
Wikipedia - Rapidity -- Physical quantity, defined as the hyperbolic arctangent of ratio of a given speed to the speed of light)
Wikipedia - Rapid prototyping -- Group of techniques to quickly construct physical objects
Wikipedia - Raymond E. Goldstein -- Professor of Complex Physical Systems
Wikipedia - Recording head -- Physical interface in recording
Wikipedia - Reductive physicalism
Wikipedia - Reincarnation -- Belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death
Wikipedia - Relic -- Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person
Wikipedia - Res extensa -- Cartesian metaphysical concept
Wikipedia - Restoring force -- physical force acting to bring a system back toward equilibrium
Wikipedia - Royal Dutch League for Physical Education -- Defunct Dutch sports association
Wikipedia - RRS Charles Darwin -- A Royal Research Ship belonging to the British Natural Environment Research Council. Since 2006, she has been the geophysical survey vessel, RV Ocean Researcher,
Wikipedia - R. Stephen Berry -- Professor of physical chemistry
Wikipedia - Rudolf Martin (anthropologist) -- Swiss physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Russell J. Hemley -- American geophysicist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Ruth Sawtell Wallis -- American academic and physical anthropologist
Wikipedia - Ruth Wheeler -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Samu (Zen) -- Physical work done with mindfulness
Wikipedia - Scalar (physics) -- One-dimensional physical quantity
Wikipedia - Scale model -- Physical representation of an object
Wikipedia - School bullying -- Type of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Usually causes either physical or emotional pain.
Wikipedia - Scientific echosounder -- Device using sonar technology for the measurement of underwater physical and biological components
Wikipedia - SCSI -- Set of standards for physically connecting and transferring data between computers and peripheral devices
Wikipedia - Sedentary lifestyle -- Type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity
Wikipedia - Sensor -- converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal
Wikipedia - Service (economics) -- Transaction involving no transferal of physical goods
Wikipedia - Sex and gender distinction -- Differentiation between sex, physical characteristics of an individual, from gender, one's behaviour or identity
Wikipedia - Sex segregation -- Physical, legal, and cultural separation of people according to their biological sex
Wikipedia - Sexual desire -- Psychological feature arousing organisms to physical pleasure and reproduction
Wikipedia - Shapeshifting -- The ability to physically transform through an inherent ability, divine intervention or generic tendencies
Wikipedia - Showgirl -- A performer who highlights their physical attributes through dance and movement
Wikipedia - Signal -- Varying physical quantity that conveys information
Wikipedia - Simulation Open Framework Architecture -- Open source framework primarily targeted at real-time physical simulation
Wikipedia - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory -- Astronomical observatory in Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - Sneakernet -- An informal term for the transfer of electronic information by physically moving media.
Wikipedia - Soil horizon -- Soil layer whose physical characteristics differ from the layers above and beneath
Wikipedia - Solar dynamo -- Physical process that generates a star's magnetic field
Wikipedia - Sophie Nowicki -- Physical scientist
Wikipedia - Space -- General framework of distances and directions according to a physical observer in its proper time
Wikipedia - Specific energy -- Physical quantity representing energy content per unit mass
Wikipedia - Speed of gravity -- Physical constant equal to the speed of light
Wikipedia - Sports in Los Angeles -- Competitive physical activities in the Los Angeles metropolitan area
Wikipedia - Sportswear -- Clothing worn for sport or physical exercise
Wikipedia - Sport -- Forms of competitive activity, usually physical
Wikipedia - Stage combat -- Technique used in theatre to create the illusion of physical combat
Wikipedia - Standard asteroid physical characteristics
Wikipedia - Stefan Grimme -- German physical chemist
Wikipedia - Stock-taking -- Physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory or warehouse
Wikipedia - Stop motion -- Animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own
Wikipedia - Stress (mechanics) -- Physical quantity that expresses internal forces in a continuous material
Wikipedia - Stretching -- Form of physical exercise where a muscle is stretched to improve it
Wikipedia - Strike (attack) -- Directed physical attack
Wikipedia - Structural analysis -- Determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their members
Wikipedia - Subtle physical
Wikipedia - Sufi whirling -- Physically active Sufi meditation, practiced by Dervish orders, involving spinning in circles to music
Wikipedia - Sunney Chan -- Chinese-American biophysical chemist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Superposition principle -- Fundamental physics principle stating that physical solutions of linear systems are linear
Wikipedia - Surface science -- Study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases
Wikipedia - Surface -- Outermost or uppermost layer of a physical object or space
Wikipedia - Susan Lozier -- Physical oceanographer
Wikipedia - Symbol -- Something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity
Wikipedia - Tanner scale -- Physical development scale of children, adolescents, and adults
Wikipedia - Telegraphy -- Long distance transmission of text without the physical exchange of an object
Wikipedia - Temperature -- Physical quantity that expresses hot and cold
Wikipedia - Template talk:American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Template talk:Physical cosmology
Wikipedia - Template talk:Presidents of the American Physical Society
Wikipedia - Template talk:Scientists whose names are used in physical constants
Wikipedia - Test (assessment) -- Procedure for measuring a subject's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or other characteristics
Wikipedia - The Astrophysical Journal
Wikipedia - The Character of Physical Law -- Book by Richard Feynman
Wikipedia - The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America -- 2001 book by Louis Menand
Wikipedia - The Metaphysical Club
Wikipedia - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living -- Artwork by Damien Hirst
Wikipedia - The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory -- Book by Werner Heisenberg
Wikipedia - Therese Ann Markow -- American physical anthropologist and ecologist
Wikipedia - The Song of Love -- Painting by the Italian metaphysical painter Giorgio de Chirico
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional space -- Geometric model of the physical space
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional virtual tourism -- Releastic 3D geovisualisation and navigation of virtual reality environments for purposes of exploring physical places in space and time without physically traveling there
Wikipedia - Tiffany Shaw -- Geophysical scientist
Wikipedia - Time reversibility -- Type of physical or mathematical process
Wikipedia - Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education -- College in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tool -- Physical item that can be used to achieve a goal
Wikipedia - Traction (engineering) -- Physical process in which a tangential force is transmitted across an interface between two bodies through dry friction or an intervening fluid film resulting in motion, stoppage or the transmission of power
Wikipedia - Trans bashing -- Emotional, physical, sexual or verbal violence against transgender persons
Wikipedia - Treasure hunting -- Physical search for treasure
Wikipedia - Trial in absentia -- Criminal proceeding in which the person who is subject to it is not physically present
Wikipedia - Trista Sutter -- American physical therapist and television personality
Wikipedia - True Cross -- Physical remnants said to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified
Wikipedia - Turam method -- Geophysical electro-magnetic method used for mineral exploration
Wikipedia - Two-dimensional space -- Geometric model of the planar projection of the physical universe
Wikipedia - Type physicalism
Wikipedia - Typesetting -- Composition of text by means of arranging physical types or digital equivalents
Wikipedia - Typology (archaeology) -- Classification of archaeological artifacts according to their physical characteristics
Wikipedia - Ultra-mobile PC -- Obsolete type of computer, similar to smartphones but with a desktop operating system and a physical keyboard
Wikipedia - Vacuum permeability -- Physical constant
Wikipedia - Vestibular rehabilitation -- Form of physical therapy for vestibular disorders
Wikipedia - Victor Henri -- French physical chemist, physiologist and experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Victor McCrary -- Physical Chemist
Wikipedia - Vijay Prasad Dimri -- Indian geophysical scientist
Wikipedia - Virtual choir -- Choir whose members do not meet physically
Wikipedia - Virtual reality -- Computer-simulated environment simulating physical presence in real or imagined worlds
Wikipedia - Virtual trading point -- non-physical hub for trading in natural gas markets
Wikipedia - Visionary art -- Art that purports to transcend the physical world
Wikipedia - VMEbus -- Computer bus standard physically based on Eurocard sizes
Wikipedia - Vortex theory of the atom -- Incorrect but seminal physical theory
Wikipedia - Water mass -- Identifiable body of water with a common formation history which has physical properties distinct from surrounding water
Wikipedia - Wayne B. Nottingham Prize -- Awarded at the Physical Electronics Conference (PEC)
Wikipedia - Weakness -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Well logging -- Measuring of physical parameters of the formations crossed by a borehole
Wikipedia - Well-posed problem -- Term regarding the properties that mathematical models of physical phenomena should have
Wikipedia - Whip -- Tool used to train animals either by sound or physical pain.
Wikipedia - Why there is anything at all -- Metaphysical question
Wikipedia - Wien approximation -- Physical law
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Physical Chemistry -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wilder Dwight Bancroft -- American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Willard Libby -- 20th-century American physical chemist
Wikipedia - William Pullum -- English physical culturist and strongman
Wikipedia - Wilson Cycle -- Geophysical model of the opening and closing of rifts
Wikipedia - Wire-frame model -- Visual presentation of a 3-dimensional or physical object used in 3D computer graphics
Wikipedia - Work accident -- Occurrence during work that leads to physical or mental harm
Wikipedia - Workplace bullying -- Persistent pattern of mistreatment of others in the workplace that causes either physical or emotional harm.
Wikipedia - Workplace -- Physical location where someone works
Wikipedia - Write Ahead Physical Block Logging
Wikipedia - X-ray fluorescence -- Physical phenomenom
Wikipedia - Xtralis -- Fire safety and physical security equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Yakov Zeldovich -- Soviet physicist, physical chemist and cosmologist
Wikipedia - Yoga as exercise -- Physical activity consisting of yoga poses
Wikipedia - Yolanda Shea -- Research Physical Scientist
Wikipedia - Zhang Cunhao -- Chinese physical chemist (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Zhang Lina -- Chinese physical chemist
Kheper - astral_physical -- 52
Kheper - dense_physical -- 63
Kheper - emotional_physical -- 85
Kheper - material_physical -- 48
Kheper - mental_physical -- 90 -- 0
Kheper - objective_physical -- 31 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - physical -- 94 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - subtle_physical -- 64 -- 0
Kheper - Etheric_Plane -- 5
Kheper - Physical index -- 5
Kheper - mundane_physical_plane -- 5
Kheper - Physical -- 5
Kheper - Physical_Plane -- 5 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Physical -- 23
Kheper - physical_Mind -- 36
Kheper - physical_Vital -- 28
Kheper - resistance_of_the_physical_body -- 37
Kheper - Subtle_Physical -- 22
Kheper - definitions -- 60
Kheper - intraphysical index -- 25
Kheper - psychophysical -- 35
Kheper - causal_physical -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - gross_physical -- 50 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - physical -- 114 -- 0
Kheper - subtle_physical -- 84
Kheper - transcendent_physical -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - physical_body -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - physicalhol -- 32
Kheper - physical -- 43
auromere - physical-culture
auromere - physical-marks-appearing-after-injuries-sustained-in-dreams
auromere - physical-culture
auromere - gender-differences-and-physical-training-for-women
auromere - physical-culture
Integral World - Ultimate reality cannot be explained by physicalism, Reply to David Lane, John Abramson
Integral World - Integrated Metaphysical Reflections, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Collective Enlightenment Through Postmetaphysical Eyes, Michel Bauwens and Edward Berge
Integral World - Collective Ritual Invocation of an Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Towards a Post-Metaphysical Re-enchantment of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - A Post-metaphysical Metaphysics of the Kosmic Witness, Joe Corbett
Integral World - A Post-metaphysical Metaphysics of the Kosmic Witness, Part II, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Post-metaphysical Meaning of Soul and Spirit in the Kosmic Mandala, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Wilber's post-metaphysical turn, Adrian J. Ivakhiv
Integral World - The Skeptical Yogi, Part Five: Missing Train Times, Astrological Armlets, and Physically Charged Guru Manifestations, David Lane
Integral World - The Faith of Physical Causes, Presenting the Evidence for Biological Evolution, David Lane & Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Is Consciousness Physical?, David & Andrea Lane
Integral World - The Subtlety of Physical Cues, Exploring the Physics of Being a Psychic Surfer, David Lane
Integral World - Depths of Emptiness, An Integral Metaphysical Map of Experience, Milos Petrovic
Integral World - Retrocausal Human Power, Alleged Otherworldly Interactions and Hidden Extraterrestrial Interests: A Search for Integral, Scientific and Metaphysical Answers, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Toward a Trans Metaphysical Approach Possibly Needed for Contact with Civilizations not Exceedingly Limited to Spacetime, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Minimalist Metaphysics? Comments on Ken Wilber's Post-Metaphysical Relativism, Magnus Riisager
Synchronicity: A Post-Metaphysical Interpretation
selforum - physical being
selforum - divine life which implies physical
selforum - transformation of physical inertia
selforum - without some metaphysical god or
selforum - subtler truths about physical
selforum - physical itself will then be wonderful
selforum - force is anterior not physical
selforum - never take physical happenings at their
selforum - our physical nature offers inert
selforum - process of last decisive physical
selforum - fully fleshed out metaphysical edifice
selforum - new metaphysical sound from any nation
selforum - feynman had highest intuitive physical
selforum - jumping to non physical consciousness
dedroidify.blogspot - tips-and-tricks-for-physical-experience
wiki.auroville - Dehashakti_School_of_Physical_Education
wiki.auroville - Physical
wiki.auroville - Physical_body
wiki.auroville - Physical_education
wiki.auroville - Physical_mind
wiki.auroville - Physical_plane
wiki.auroville - Subtle_physical_plane
wiki.auroville - True_physical
Dharmapedia - Adi_(metaphysical_plane
Dharmapedia - Physical_characteristics_of_the_Buddha
Dharmapedia - Physical_plane
Dharmapedia - Physical_(Sri_Aurobindo
Dharmapedia - Subtle_physical
Psychology Wiki - Category:Metaphysical_theories
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_Hypotheses_about_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Depression_and_physical_illness
Psychology Wiki - Environment_(biophysical)
Psychology Wiki - Human_physical_appearance
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#General_differences_in_physical_brain_parameters
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#Physical_differences
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Physical
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Subtle_physical
Psychology Wiki - Integral_yoga#Physical
Psychology Wiki - Meditation#Physical_postures
Psychology Wiki - Metaphysical
Psychology Wiki - Physical_attractiveness
Psychology Wiki - Physical_intimacy
Psychology Wiki - Physicalism
Psychology Wiki - Physical_science
Psychology Wiki - Physical_sex_differences_in_humans
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Physical_education
Psychology Wiki - Type_physicalism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - computation-physicalsystems
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - physicalism
Double Dare (Nickelodeon Game Show) (1986 - 2019) - Double Dare is one wacky game show, and the most popular & longest running Nickelodeon game show on television. The show pitts two teams of two (later two families of four) against each other in a contest of answering questions & completing stunts known as physical challenges. All while trying win l...
American Gladiators (1989 - 1996) - Two teams (one male, one female) compete in games of physical strength against the "Gladiators" - very athletic body builders who attempt to halt the contestants from scoring points in any of the competitions.
3rd Rock from the Sun (1996 - 2001) - A group of aliens have come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the p...
Cyberchase (2002 - Current) - One day, three children from Earth named Matt, Jackie, and Inez are called to the land of Cyberspace by Motherboard, its guardian, to defend her from a virus as unleashed by a villain named Hacker. Motherboard is the guardian of Cyberspace, a dimension where computer networks exist as physical locat...
The Three Stooges (1930 - 1959) - The comedic misadventures of the various Stooge Members Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe and Curly Joe which were produced as theatrical shorts; in which the various Stooges would pursue in their well known physical comedy.
The Cosby Mysteries (1994 - 1995) - Retired hot-shot New York criminalogist GUY HANKS (Bill Cosby!) isn't managing his retirement too well. He should be spending his time enjoying the good life with the two women in his life, his holistic housekeeper Angie and his physical therapist/main squeeze (Whitfield) but his old buddy/colleague...
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002 - 2005) - In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such te...
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (2005 - 2007) - tells the story of 13-year-old junior high schooler Sakura Kusakabe, who twenty years in the future develops a technology that causes all women to stop physically aging after they reach twelve years old in an attempt to create a "Pedophile's World". However, this act accidentally creates immortality...
The Amazing Race (2001 - Current) - Eleven teams of two people compete in a race around the world split into 12 legs and each with intense physical challenges. Each leg of the race is covered by one episode.
Batman(1989) - After witnessing his parents' murder on the streets of Gotham City as a boy, Millionaire Philanthropist Bruce Wayne uses his mental and physical capabilities to become the masked vigilante Batman.
Celtic Pride(1996) - Two basketball fans, whose enthusiasm overwhelms their intelligence, come up with a new but legally problematic way of helping their favorite team in this comedy. Physical education instructor Mike O'Hara (Daniel Stern) and plumber Jimmy Flaherty (Dan Aykroyd) are close friends and obsessive followe...
Radio Flyer(1992) - A father reminisces about his childhood when he and his younger brother moved to a new town with their mother, her new husband and their dog, Shane. When the younger brother is subjected to physical abuse at the hands of their brutal stepfather, Mike decides to convert their toy trolley, the "Radio...
Super Size Me(2004) - Independent documentary starring Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he ate only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food indu...
The Thirteenth Floor(1999) - The increasingly blurry lines between what is real and what is an artificial construct - both physically and philosophically - are the point of focus in the science fiction drama The Thirteenth Floor. In 1937, a man named Fuller (Armin Mueller-Stahl) gives a note to Ashton (Vincent D'Onofrio), the b...
Magnolia(1999) - On a rainy day in the San Fernando Valley, the lives of nine people will connect over the course of 24 hours physically, emotionally, and even biblically. We'll see young boy genius, Stanley, feeling the pressure to set a record on the game show "What Do Kids Know?"; the show's host Jimmy Gator, who...
Girlfriend from Hell(1989) - With its catchy title and over-the-top premise, this fairly amusing horror comedy plays like a kinder, gentler variation on the type of fare offered by the bad-taste moguls at Troma Studios. The story begins in the thick of a metaphysical battle between a decidedly female Satan (Lezlie Deane) and on...
Bringing Out the Dead(1999) - This tense urban drama stars Nicolas Cage as Frank Pierce, a paramedic on the brink of physical and emotional collapse. Frank has worked for years in one of New York's most brutal neighborhoods, and the pressure of his job has taken its toll; plagued with self-doubt, he is haunted by the spirits of...
Super Ducktales(1989) - For their mother's birthday, the Beagle Boys secretly alter the city plans for a major roadway so that it runs directly through Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin. With no alternative, Scrooge must have his Bin physically moved and he decides to hire an accountant to keep track of his assets for the move. T...
David(1988) - 1988 made for TV movie based on the true story of David Rothenberg whose disturbed father set him on fire.The movie chronicles 8 year old David's struggle to recovery physically,and emotionally,from having third- degree burns over 90% of his body.
Just The Way You Are(1984) - Susan is a young, beautiful and successful flute player, but because of her physical handicap, a lame leg, she is having difficulties finding Mr. Right. While on tour in France, she decides to spend a few days on a ski resort wearing a fake cast around her lame leg to make sure her handicap goes unn...
Love Crimes(1992) - A tough female district attorney is investigating a man who picks out women from public places by posing as a famous photographer, then takes pictures of them, then pushes on their submissive tendencies and takes advantage of them physically and financially. The trouble is that none of these women w...
The Best Little Girl in the World(1981) - Casey Powell is a young teenage girl who is secretly suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental and physical illness of deliberately starving herself or self-induced vomiting, because of her troubled home life and problems at school in which her bickering parents and her unwed, pregnant sister must p...
Maid In Sweden(1971) - Maid in Sweden tells the story of Inga, a 16-year-old Swedish girl who leaves her rural home to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital. An innocent with no experience, but with prodigious physical attributes, she has a series of romantic adventures as she throws off the frustrations of her small-tow...
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001) - In the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron attempts to conquer Middle-earth using his One Ring. In battle against Sauron, Prince Isildur cuts the Ring from Sauron's hand, destroying his physical form. However, Sauron's life force is bound to the Ring, allowing him to survive while the Ring also survive...
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(2000) - Two warriors in pursuit of a stolen sword and a notorious fugitive are led to an impetuous, physically-skilled, teenage nobleman's daughter, who is at a crossroads in her life.
The Absent-Minded Professor(1961) - Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to en...
Lady Chatterley's Lover(1981) - After a crippling injury leaves her husband impotent, Lady Chatterley is torn between her love for her husband and her physical desires. With her husband's consent, she seeks out other means of fulfilling her needs.
Deadpool(2016) - Wade Wilson hunts the man who gave him mutant abilities and a scarred physical appearance, becoming the beloved antihero Deadpool. A spinoff of the "X-Men" series that puts the focus on the main villain Deadpool.
All the Bright Places (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 28 February 2020 (USA) -- The story of Violet and Theodore, who meet and change each other's lives forever. As they struggle with the emotional and physical scars of their past, they discover that even the smallest places and moments can mean something. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
American Flyers (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Drama, Sport | 16 August 1985 (USA) -- Marcus takes his kid brother, David, with him for a physical test and a brain scan, suspecting cerebral aneurysm like their dad died of. They head off on bikes for the big Rockies bike race with Marcus' Sarah driving the van. Director: John Badham Writer:
Captain Fantastic (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 29 July 2016 (USA) -- In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Director: Matt Ross Writer:
Cast Away (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 22 December 2000 (USA) -- A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writer: William Broyles Jr.
Detective Conan ::: Meitantei Conan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996 ) -- The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy but must hide his true mental development. Creator:
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Doctor Strange (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Director: Scott Derrickson Writers: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson | 3 more credits
Eastbound & Down ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | TV Series (20092013) -- Many years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach Physical Education at his old middle school. Creators:
Five Feet Apart (2019) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Romance | 15 March 2019 (USA) -- A pair of teenagers with cystic fibrosis meet in a hospital and fall in love, though their disease means they must avoid close physical contact. Director: Justin Baldoni Writers:
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ::: Hagane no renkinjutsushi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2009-2012) Episode Guide 69 episodes Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Poster -- Two brothers search for a Philosopher's Stone after an attempt to revive their deceased mother goes awry and leaves them in damaged physical forms. Creator:
Kim Bok-nam salinsageonui jeonmal (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2 September 2010 -- Kim Bok-nam salinsageonui jeonmal Poster -- A woman subject to mental, physical and sexual abuse on a remote island seeks a way out. Director: Cheol-soo Jang (as Chul-soo Jang) Writer:
King of Kings (1961) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 48min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 October 1961 (USA) -- The temporary physical life of the Biblical Savior, Jesus Christ. Director: Nicholas Ray Writer: Philip Yordan (screenplay)
Naked (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 12min | Comedy, Drama | 4 February 1994 (USA) -- Parallel tales of two sexually obsessed men, one hurting and annoying women physically and mentally, one wandering around the city talking to strangers and experiencing dimensions of life. Director: Mike Leigh Writer:
Newness (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 57min | Drama, Romance | 3 November 2017 (Mexico) -- In contemporary Los Angeles, two millennials navigating a social media-driven hookup culture begin a relationship that pushes both emotional and physical boundaries. Director: Drake Doremus Writer:
Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy, Music | 17 September 1982 (USA) -- A confined but troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone. Director: Alan Parker Writers: Roger Waters (album "The Wall"), Roger Waters (screenplay)
Taboo-Tattoo ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Taboo-Tattoo Poster "Tattoos" - ancient weapons that drastically enhance the physical abilities of their users, known as the "Sealed," allowing them to bring forth supernatural phenomena when activated through... S Stars: Justin Briner, Monica Rial, Christopher Bevins
The Confession Tapes ::: TV-MA | 46min | Documentary, Crime | TV Series (2017 ) -- A critical look into some true crime cases where American law enforcement made up for lack of actual physical evidence by using devious psychological tactics during interrogation in order to extract confessions from naive suspects. Creator:
The Dark Knight (2008) ::: 9.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Crime, Drama | 18 July 2008 (USA) -- When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept one of the greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice. Director: Christopher Nolan Writers:
The Double (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 4 April 2014 (UK) -- A clerk in a government agency finds his unenviable life takes a turn for the horrific with the arrival of a new co-worker who is both his exact physical double and his opposite - confident, charismatic and seductive with women. Director: Richard Ayoade Writers:
The Experiment (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- Das Experiment (original title) -- The Experiment Poster -- For two weeks, 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards in a prison. The "prisoners" have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the "guards" are told to retain order without using physical violence. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel
The Impostors (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy | 2 October 1998 (USA) -- Wrongly accused of physically abusing a fellow actor, starving thespians Arthur and Maurice find themselves pursued by the law aboard a cruise ship. Director: Stanley Tucci Writer:
The Legend of Korra ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20122014) -- Avatar Korra fights to keep Republic City safe from the evil forces of both the physical and spiritual worlds. Creators: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko
The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 November 1996 (USA) -- A shy, middle-aged professor enters into a romantic but non-physical relationship with an unlucky-in-love colleague. Director: Barbra Streisand Writers: Andr Cayatte (screenplay "Le Miroir a Deux Faces"), Grard Oury
Three Women (1977) ::: 7.8/10 -- 3 Women (original title) -- Three Women Poster -- Two roommates/physical therapists, one a vain woman and the other a mysterious teenager, share a bizarre relationship. Director: Robert Altman Writer:,_Vital,_Mental,_Geophysical_and_Astronomical_Services_Administration,_Indelible,_Magical,_Physical_Mystery_Trip_(1973),_or_What_Quill_Did_(TV_story)
3-gatsu no Lion -- -- Shaft -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Seinen Slice of Life -- 3-gatsu no Lion 3-gatsu no Lion -- Having reached professional status in middle school, Rei Kiriyama is one of the few elite in the world of shogi. Due to this, he faces an enormous amount of pressure, both from the shogi community and his adoptive family. Seeking independence from his tense home life, he moves into an apartment in Tokyo. As a 17-year-old living on his own, Rei tends to take poor care of himself, and his reclusive personality ostracizes him from his peers in school and at the shogi hall. -- -- However, not long after his arrival in Tokyo, Rei meets Akari, Hinata, and Momo Kawamoto, a trio of sisters living with their grandfather who owns a traditional wagashi shop. Akari, the oldest of the three girls, is determined to combat Rei's loneliness and poorly sustained lifestyle with motherly hospitality. The Kawamoto sisters, coping with past tragedies, also share with Rei a unique familial bond that he has lacked for most of his life. As he struggles to maintain himself physically and mentally through his shogi career, Rei must learn how to interact with others and understand his own complex emotions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 492,391 8.42
Aho Girl -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Aho Girl Aho Girl -- Yoshiko Hanabatake is an idiot beyond all belief. Somehow managing to consistently score zeroes on all of her tests and consumed by an absurd obsession with bananas, her senseless acts have caused even her own mother to lose all hope. Only one person is up to the task of keeping her insanity in check: childhood friend Akuru "A-kun" Akutsu. -- -- Though he bemoans the ridiculous behavior he has to endure, the studious but terrifying A-kun is always ready to put an end to any stupidity Yoshiko gets up to, with no qualms about using physical force. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he attempts to knock some sense into her, the girl bounces right back to her usual shenanigans, even dragging in some other eccentrics along for the ride. Try as he might to rein in her nonsense, every moment is unpredictable with Yoshiko and her profound idiocy on the loose. -- -- 355,295 6.87
A Kite -- -- Arms -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Hentai Police -- A Kite A Kite -- After her parents were brutally murdered, school girl Sawa was taken into custody by Akai and Kanie, a pair of detectives assigned to her case. Corrupt and immoral, they train the girl to become a weapon, dangling the promise of vengeance in front of the hapless orphan. From celebrities and politicians to influential businessmen, Sawa is tasked with assassinating targets selected arbitrarily by her crooked overseers. She executes every mission without fail, and her distinctive weapon has become infamous among the city's police officers. -- -- Physically abused by Akai, who is no more righteous than her victims, Sawa begins to dream of a life unhindered by the shadow of her "guardians." One day, Sawa meets Oburi, a fellow orphan and vigilante. They quickly form a bond born of desperation and disgruntlement at the unjust world, envisioning a future free from the stain of murder. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 25, 1998 -- 49,784 6.55
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller -- Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- One day, when Remu Mikage is on a video call with his sister, Shiki, who has traveled to the futuristic Okinotori-island Mega Float City for school, she confesses that both the audio and visuals of her are completely artificial. In order to be more efficient in her studies, Shiki has used neural-linked nanomachines to upload her consciousness onto a computer and is storing her physical body in a "body pool." While shocked, Remu is supportive of his sister's decision, until the disaster known as the "Early Rapture" happens. -- -- The Early Rapture causes everyone who has uploaded their consciousnesses to either fall into a coma or perish. Remu visits his sister's empty apartment one last time, but is shocked when Shiki arrives at the door. With no memory of her family or past, and being pursued by a violent group of researchers, Shiki and her brother are forced to flee using her newfound power of nanomachine manipulation. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 24,206 6.29
Black Clover -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 170 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Black Clover Black Clover -- Asta and Yuno were abandoned at the same church on the same day. Raised together as children, they came to know of the "Wizard King"—a title given to the strongest mage in the kingdom—and promised that they would compete against each other for the position of the next Wizard King. However, as they grew up, the stark difference between them became evident. While Yuno is able to wield magic with amazing power and control, Asta cannot use magic at all and desperately tries to awaken his powers by training physically. -- -- When they reach the age of 15, Yuno is bestowed a spectacular Grimoire with a four-leaf clover, while Asta receives nothing. However, soon after, Yuno is attacked by a person named Lebuty, whose main purpose is to obtain Yuno's Grimoire. Asta tries to fight Lebuty, but he is outmatched. Though without hope and on the brink of defeat, he finds the strength to continue when he hears Yuno's voice. Unleashing his inner emotions in a rage, Asta receives a five-leaf clover Grimoire, a "Black Clover" giving him enough power to defeat Lebuty. A few days later, the two friends head out into the world, both seeking the same goal—to become the Wizard King! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 957,323 7.96
Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Shounen -- Buzzer Beater 2nd Season Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- After being drafted into the Earth Team, a basketball team comprised solely of humans, street-punk-turned-pro Hideyoshi couldn't be more cocky. The team is still up against the Gorons, a physically superior race of aliens who have dominated the game for some time. New challenges and problems stand in their way. Hideyoshi is unhappy with the team and the Gorons have new tricks up their sleeves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 7,573 6.82
Cheer Danshi!! -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Sports Drama School -- Cheer Danshi!! Cheer Danshi!! -- After suffering from a shoulder injury, shy first-year university student Haruki Bandou gladly takes the opportunity to give up judo, failing to find happiness in the sport regardless of his family owning a dojo. He did not expect, however, that his best friend Kazuma Hashimoto would also decide to leave their university's judo club at the same time as him. Despite Haruki's protests, Kazuma already has plans for a new and revolutionary activity: a cheerleading team made up of only men. Although heavily reluctant, Haruki ends up helping his friend set up the team. Through sheer determination, and with support from their newfound club members, Haruki and Kazuma persist in founding the Breakers, the first ever all-male cheerleading team of Meishiin University, slowly making history in spite of the feminine tag attached to the sport of cheerleading and the prejudices, physical challenges, and self-doubts that inevitably follow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 55,104 6.69
Chihayafuru -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru Chihayafuru -- Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. -- -- Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2011 -- 361,019 8.23
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- After the events of 02, everything is finally getting back to normal. That is, until a strangely familiar icon starts showing up on computer systems around the Japan. And not just computer systems... TVs, mobile phones, video games; anything with a screen with online capabilities. And this icon seems to be looking for somone... Yagami Taichi, and Ishida Yamato, who defeated it several years before. Yes, it turns out that this jellyfish digimon is in fact Diablomon, the Virus-type Digimon that was defeated in the second movie. But this time, he's learned to make himself physical, and is sending thousands of copies of himself into the real world. -- -- Koushiro and Ken devise a plan to rid the world of the virus once and for all, but it'll take the help of all the Destined, past and present. Once again, it's a race against time to put a stop to Diablomon's plot... but even that is cloaked in shadow. -- -- Will the revival of Omagamon be enough to stop Diablomon a second time, or will the millions of copies prove enough of a power boost to shrug off the "Digimon Champion of Justice"? Of course, he hasn't seen the new breed of Chosen, nor the new techniques. It's a fight to the finish, with the destruction of Tokyo resting on the line. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 3, 2001 -- 46,582 7.28
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- -- Bones -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost." -- -- Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that gives Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist. -- -- Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone, but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 2,372,958 9.18
Futari Ecchi -- -- Chaos Project -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Futari Ecchi Futari Ecchi -- Makoto and Yura Onoda are a newly-wed couple with zero sexual experience. Yura is a shy and naive 25-year-old woman whose good looks grab men's attention, something that she dislikes because she gets embarrassed very easily. Her husband Makoto is of the same age, but as opposed to his wife, he loves having dirty thoughts about other women. Physically though, Makoto is truly faithful to Yura. -- -- Both of them may be virgins, but now that they are married, they are ready to dive into the world of sex, "practicing" as often as possible. However, the world of sex is complex, so they need all the help they can get to find their way through it. Thankfully, their friends, acquaintances, and porn media lend them a helping hand. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Jul 26, 2002 -- 30,094 6.37
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- In the previous century, an unprecedented disaster known as the Invertia drastically reformed the world. The powers of existing nations declined significantly, paving the way for a conglomerate called the Integrated Empire Foundation to assume control. But more importantly, the Invertia led to the emergence of a new species of humans who are born with phenomenal physical capabilities—the Genestella. Its elite are hand-picked across the globe to attend the top six schools, and they duel amongst themselves in entertainment battles called Festas. -- -- Ayato Amagiri is a scholarship transfer student at the prestigious Seidoukan Academy, which has recently been suffering from declining performances. Through a series of events, he accidentally sees the popular Witch of Resplendent Flames, Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, half-dressed! Enraged, Julis challenges him to a duel for intruding on her privacy. After said duel is voided by the student council president, Ayato reveals that he has no interest in Festas. Instead, he has enrolled in the academy to investigate the whereabouts of his missing elder sister. But when a more devious plot unravels, Ayato sets out to achieve victory, while being surrounded by some of the most talented Genestella on the planet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 507,111 6.88
Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Sci-Fi -- Gatchaman Crowds Insight Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- One day, a huge UFO spins over Japan and crashes into a rural farmland outside Nagaoka, disrupting Tsubasa Misudachi's ordinary life. As the Gatchaman, the legendary defenders of Tachikawa City, supervise the ordeal, a peaceful alien creature emerges from the spacecraft. In the ensuing chaos, Tsubasa is given a special high-tech notebook, or NOTE, from Gatchaman founder J.J. Robinson, signaling Tsubasa's sudden recruitment into their group. Under the tutelage of fellow hero Hajime Ichinose, Tsubasa slowly begins to adjust to life as a defender of justice. -- -- Meanwhile, the CROWDS technology, which enables users to manifest their consciousness' into a physical form, is spreading amongst the public, as well as being endorsed by Prime Minister Sugayama. However, a mysterious organization known as VAPE has gained notoriety by using unique red CROWDS to wreak havoc, shifting public opinion against the CROWDS technology. The Gatchaman, along with new recruit Tsubasa, must put a stop to their destructive activities before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,839 7.29
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari -- -- Planet -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari -- In the distant future, trains are no longer bound by their physical tracks. Instead, they take to the skies and travel across the universe on the Galaxy Railways, transporting mankind from planet to planet. However, the Galaxy Railways are no safer than traditional trains: criminals, terrorists, and vile aliens always find a way to stir up trouble. -- -- Manabu Yuuki, a rash and hot-headed man, is the latest addition to the Galaxy Railways' elite Space Defence Force (SDF). These brave men and women are responsible for protecting the railways and responding to any unprecedented danger, risking their lives to protect the innocent from evil. But as this drama unfolds and the SDF's greatest crisis draws nearer, Manabu must truly learn what it means to be a member of the SDF before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2003 -- 9,901 7.15
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Sports -- Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- The challenger has become the champion as Ippo Makunouchi now wears the featherweight championship belt of Japan. -- Some time has passed since Ippo's victory, and he has found his friends and coach as supportive as ever; his crush, Kumi Mashiba, seems to enjoy spending time with him as well. Things are looking bright for the new champion, but just as he once set his sights on becoming the best, his first challenger poses an intimidating threat. -- -- Kazuki Sanada works as a doctor at the same hospital as Kumi and fights strategically. Known for integrating his knowledge of the human body into his fights, Sanada is a fearsome contender—however, more unnerving than his physical ability, he has garnered the support of the nurses. Despite being the champion, Ippo feels the pressure as he must face the daunting challenge, retain his belt, and win over the girl he loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Special - Apr 18, 2003 -- 100,589 8.28
Hikari to Mizu no Daphne -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Police Psychological Drama Ecchi -- Hikari to Mizu no Daphne Hikari to Mizu no Daphne -- In the future, water has covered much of the Earth due to the effects of global warming. The orphaned Maia Mizuki, 15, just graduated from middle school and has already applied for employment in the elite paramilitary Ocean Agency, part of the futuristic world government. Only the best, most intelligent, and physically fit students are eligible for admission. Maia, the series' protagonist, is set to become one of the few. -- -- But her ideal life quickly falls apart. To her disappointment, Maia unexpectedly fails her entrance exams. Making matters worse, she promptly gets evicted from her house, pick pocketed, taken hostage, then shot. She is "saved" by two women (Rena and Shizuka) that are part of an unorthodox help-for-hire organization called Nereids (inspired by the Greek mythological Nereids ). With nowhere to go, Maia joins up with Nereids, taking jobs from capturing wanted criminals to chasing stray cats, often with unexpected results. Gloria and Yu later join up with Nereids. -- -- "Daphne" in the title refers to a subplot that starts midway into the series and eventually become important to Maia. "Brilliant Blue" refers to the fact that this is a world covered by water with almost no land. The world consists of vast oceans, a few islands, and floating cities. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 12,564 6.75
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
Inuyashiki -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Inuyashiki Inuyashiki -- Ichirou Inuyashiki is a 58-year-old family man who is going through a difficult time in his life. Though his frequent back problems are painful, nothing hurts quite as much as the indifference and distaste that his wife and children have for him. Despite this, Ichirou still manages to find solace in Hanako, an abandoned Shiba Inu that he adopts into his home. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when a follow-up physical examination reveals that Ichirou has stomach cancer and only three months to live; though he tries to be strong, his family's disinterest causes an emotional breakdown. Running off into a nearby field, Ichirou embraces his dog and weeps—until he notices a strange figure standing before him. -- -- Suddenly, a bright light appears and Ichirou is enveloped by smoke and dust. When he comes to, he discovers something is amiss—he has been reborn as a mechanized weapon wearing the skin of his former self. Though initially shocked, the compassionate Ichirou immediately uses his newfound powers to save a life, an act of kindness that fills him with happiness and newfound hope. -- -- However, the origins of these strange powers remain unclear. Who was the mysterious figure at the site of the explosion, and are they as kind as Ichirou when it comes to using this dangerous gift? -- -- 443,053 7.69
Jashin-chan Dropkick' -- -- Nomad -- 11 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Supernatural -- Jashin-chan Dropkick' Jashin-chan Dropkick' -- Jashin-chan is a demon who was summoned by Yurine Hanazono, a gothic looking girl. Unable to return home as the relevant spell was not included in the summoning grimoire, Jashin-chan resorts to violence to liberate herself from her earthly shackles. -- -- However, this is easier said than done, as Yurine is no weakling herself. She in fact possesses formidable physical power and uses it to massacre Jashin-chan in a variety of ways, be it shoving her arm in a blender, spreading her intestines across the room or even cooking her. Though these actions would be fatal to anyone without the ability to regenerate, Jashin-chan isn't exactly undeserving of this treatment. Stuck with each other, Yurine lets Jashin-chan live with her in exchange for work around the apartment, and this cohabitation results in situations where, more often than not, Jashin-chan ends up in pieces. -- -- ONA - Apr 6, 2020 -- 25,669 7.41
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders -- Years after an ancient evil was salvaged from the depths of the sea, Joutarou Kuujou sits peacefully within a Japanese jail cell. He's committed no crime yet demands he not be released, believing he's been possessed by an evil spirit capable of harming those around him. Concerned for her son, Holly Kuujou asks her father, Joseph Joestar, to convince Joutarou to leave the prison. Joseph informs his grandson that the "evil spirit" is in fact something called a "Stand," the physical manifestation of one's fighting spirit which can adopt a variety of deadly forms. After a fiery brawl with Joseph's friend Mohammed Avdol, Joutarou is forced out of his cell and begins learning how to control the power of his Stand. -- -- However, when a Stand awakens within Holly and threatens to consume her in 50 days, Joutarou, his grandfather, and their allies must seek out and destroy the immortal vampire responsible for her condition. They must travel halfway across the world to Cairo, Egypt and along the way, do battle with ferocious Stand users set on thwarting them. If Joutarou and his allies fail in their mission, humanity is destined for a grim fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 758,045 8.10
Junior high school student Kimichika Haijima moves back to his hometown, Fukui, after causing trouble in the Tokyo Junior High School volleyball club. There, he is reunited with his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba, who possesses outstanding physical abilities, but is vulnerable under pressure. Haijima, with his overwhelming passion and talent for volleyball, forms an ace combination with Kuroba. -- -- The two enroll at Seiin High School, where they join the volleyball club. Awaiting them are the 163 cm hot-blooded captain Shinichirou Oda, the talented and sharp-tongued vice-captain Misao Aoki and his third-year pair, and second-year students, including Akito Kanno, who is always wearing long sleeves due to his allergy to sunlight. -- -- The newborn team breaks its former shell of weakness and becomes Fukui's rising star. This is a certain team's journey to victory, with a series of fascinating rivals standing in their way. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 77,064 6.21
Junior high school student Kimichika Haijima moves back to his hometown, Fukui, after causing trouble in the Tokyo Junior High School volleyball club. There, he is reunited with his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba, who possesses outstanding physical abilities, but is vulnerable under pressure. Haijima, with his overwhelming passion and talent for volleyball, forms an ace combination with Kuroba. -- -- The two enroll at Seiin High School, where they join the volleyball club. Awaiting them are the 163 cm hot-blooded captain Shinichirou Oda, the talented and sharp-tongued vice-captain Misao Aoki and his third-year pair, and second-year students, including Akito Kanno, who is always wearing long sleeves due to his allergy to sunlight. -- -- The newborn team breaks its former shell of weakness and becomes Fukui's rising star. This is a certain team's journey to victory, with a series of fascinating rivals standing in their way. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 77,064 6.21
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- Even after spending a considerable amount of time with Takagi, Nishikata is still struggling to find a perfect plan to defeat the expert teaser. A battle of wits, a contest of physical prowess, a test of courage—any strategy he employs to expose her weaknesses is to no avail. On the contrary, Nishikata's pitiful attempts only reveal more of his own flaws, which Takagi takes advantage of to become increasingly daring in her teasing attempts. To make things worse for Nishikata, rumors about him and Takagi may have spread in class due to the frequent interactions between them. -- -- However, the optimistic Nishikata believes that wisdom comes with age and that as the days go by, his experience with her constant teasing will eventually bear fruit, leading him to the awaited moment of victory. Thus, Nishikata continues to strive for the seemingly impossible—to outsmart Takagi and make her blush with embarrassment. -- -- 197,501 8.13
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- He is charming, cool, athletic, a good cook, but more importantly, he's a clean freak. Aoyama is idolized and respected by everyone, but they can only admire him from afar due to his mysophobia. Despite that, he plays soccer—a rather dirty sport! -- -- As the playmaker for Fujimi High School's soccer club, Aoyama avoids physical contact at all cost and cleanly dribbles toward victory. However, the path to Nationals will not be easy for Fujimi's underdog team. But alongside striker Kaoru Zaizen, Aoyama will show everyone that even as a clean freak, there are things he's willing to get dirty for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 130,773 6.98
Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- -- Production I.G, Sola Digital Arts -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- The year is 2045, and artificial intelligence has undergone tremendous developments. Governments use them as weapons, engaging in never-ending warfare to sustain their economies. The mercenary group GHOST, headed by Major Motoko Kusanagi, is no stranger to this landscape. However, the rapid innovation of this technology causes a new threat to loom over the horizon. -- -- Having left Public Security Section 9, Kusanagi and her group are involved in many operations worldwide related to these proxy wars. But a seemingly simple job of locating an arms dealer drags GHOST into a hidden conflict against cybernetically enhanced individuals, who have inexplicably gained extreme intelligence and physical abilities. Dubbed "post-humans," their emergence sets off a chain of events leading to the reunion of Section 9. Armed with a new mission, it is up to Kusanagi and her reestablished team to prevent global chaos at the hands of these post-humans. -- -- ONA - Apr 23, 2020 -- 26,133 6.67
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such technology, leading to new and sometimes, very dangerous crimes. In response to such innovative new methods, the Japanese Government has established Section 9, an independently operating police unit which deals with such highly sensitive crimes. -- -- Led by Daisuke Aramaki and Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9 deals with such crimes over the entire social spectrum, usually with success. However, when faced with a new A level hacker nicknamed "The Laughing Man," the team is thrown into a dangerous cat and mouse game, following the hacker's trail as it leaves its mark on Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 1, 2002 -- 332,809 8.44
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- -- OLM, Production Reed -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Historical Mecha Military Romance Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- During Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura snuck into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbled upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shook the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips met, and Kurumi woke up from "the kiss that started a miracle". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 21,387 6.78
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- -- OLM, Production Reed -- 24 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Historical Mecha Military Romance Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi -- During Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura snuck into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbled upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shook the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips met, and Kurumi woke up from "the kiss that started a miracle". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 21,387 6.78
Kuzu no Honkai -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen -- Kuzu no Honkai Kuzu no Honkai -- To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with. -- -- Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay. -- -- Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 494,783 7.28
Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Super Power -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (1989) -- Shou and his friend, Tetsurou, stumble upon a strange orb-like mechanism, the Guyver Unit, in the woods. It physically bonds with Shou and turns him into the alien soldier, Guyver. His mission is to protect the Guyver Unit from the Japanese corporation known as Chronos. They are after it and two other units just like it. To retrieve the object, they send out vicious monsters known as Zoanoids. So no one is safe in Shou's life; not even himself. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Sep 25, 1989 -- 10,976 7.12
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 76,180 7.20
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,180 7.20
Loups=Garous -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller -- Loups=Garous Loups=Garous -- In a future governed through the lens of a camera, where people eat synthetic food and pursue an online existence in lieu of physical contact, a group of children begin meeting up in the real world. The aloof Ayumi Kono, the genius hacker Mio Tsuzuki, and the socially awkward Hazuki Makino set out to find the fourth member of their group, Yuko Yabe, who has gone missing. With the help of Myao Rei, an unregistered citizen proficient in martial arts, they are able to find Yuko. However, when their situation takes a sudden turn for the worse, the group stumbles headlong into a dark mystery that challenges everything they know about their world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 28, 2010 -- 16,244 6.29
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- In the dawn of the 21st century, magic, long thought to be folklore and fairy tales, has become a systematized technology and is taught as a technical skill. In First High School, the institution for magicians, students are segregated into two groups based on their entrance exam scores: "Blooms," those who receive high scores, are assigned to the First Course, while "Weeds" are reserve students assigned to the Second Course. -- -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei follows the siblings, Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba, who are enrolled in First High School. Upon taking the exam, the prodigious Miyuki is placed in the First Course, while Tatsuya is relegated to the Second Course. Though his practical test scores and status as a "Weed" show him to be magically inept, he possesses extraordinary technical knowledge, physical combat capabilities, and unique magic techniques—making Tatsuya the irregular at a magical high school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 798,705 7.50
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Re: Cutey Honey -- -- Gainax, Toei Animation -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Ecchi Shoujo Ai -- Re: Cutey Honey Re: Cutey Honey -- A mysterious organization known as Panther Claw make their presence known by terrorizing Tokyo and giving the cops a run for their money. Police are further baffled by the appearance of a lone cosplaying vigilante who thwarts all of Panther Claw's evil schemes before disappearing. That cosplayer is Honey Kisaragi, the result of the late Professor Kisaragi's prize experiment. A master of disguise, Honey can magically alter her physical appearance and outfits. But with a push of the heart-shaped button on her choker, she transforms herself into Cutie Honey, the scantily-clad, sword-wielding warrior of love and justice. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 24, 2004 -- 23,240 7.11
Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- After the Saints' victory against Hades, Seiya is left wounded and motionless in a wheel chair with no possible chance of recovery. Athena's sister Artemis, the Virgin Goddess of the Moon and twin sister of Apollo, makes an elaborate proposal - to restore Seiya's physical health in exchange for the supremacy of Sanctuary. Athena accepts and Artemis and her "Knights of the Sky" swiftly take control of Sanctuary. Now Seiya and his fellow Bronze Saints combat the forces of Zeus to regain their homeland but it will not be so easy. Bronze Saints Hydra Ichi and Unicorn Jabu, and Silver Saint Ophiuchus Shaina have join forces with Artemis and Apollo. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Feb 14, 2004 -- 19,915 7.22
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- 244,980 6.88
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 244,980 6.88
Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural -- Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku -- Handsome and effeminate, quiet but proud, the sinister Akito Kobayashi has a passion for the occult and has developed a computer program to summon demons and the living dead. But little does he know that fellow high school students Kojirou Souma and Saki Yagami are reincarnations of powerful and benevolent spirits. When the pair's friends have become targeted by demons trying to harvest their life energies, they must harness their dark metaphysical powers to destroy Kobayashi's threatening program, or risk losing their loved ones forever. -- -- OVA - Apr 21, 1995 -- 5,519 5.41
Slam Dunk -- -- Toei Animation -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama School Shounen Sports -- Slam Dunk Slam Dunk -- Hanamichi Sakuragi, infamous for his temper, massive height, and fire-red hair, enrolls in Shohoku High, hoping to finally get a girlfriend and break his record of being rejected 50 consecutive times in middle school. His notoriety precedes him, however, leading to him being avoided by most students. Soon, after certain events, Hanamichi is left with two unwavering thoughts: "I hate basketball," and "I desperately need a girlfriend." -- -- One day, a girl named Haruko Akagi approaches him without any knowledge of his troublemaking ways and asks him if he likes basketball. Hanamichi immediately falls head over heels in love with her, blurting out a fervent affirmative. She then leads him to the gymnasium, where she asks him if he can do a slam dunk. In an attempt to impress Haruko, he makes the leap, but overshoots, instead slamming his head straight into the blackboard. When Haruko informs the basketball team's captain of Hanamichi's near-inhuman physical capabilities, he slowly finds himself drawn into the camaraderie and competition of the sport he had previously held resentment for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 16, 1993 -- 210,906 8.52
Slam Dunk -- -- Toei Animation -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama School Shounen Sports -- Slam Dunk Slam Dunk -- Hanamichi Sakuragi, infamous for his temper, massive height, and fire-red hair, enrolls in Shohoku High, hoping to finally get a girlfriend and break his record of being rejected 50 consecutive times in middle school. His notoriety precedes him, however, leading to him being avoided by most students. Soon, after certain events, Hanamichi is left with two unwavering thoughts: "I hate basketball," and "I desperately need a girlfriend." -- -- One day, a girl named Haruko Akagi approaches him without any knowledge of his troublemaking ways and asks him if he likes basketball. Hanamichi immediately falls head over heels in love with her, blurting out a fervent affirmative. She then leads him to the gymnasium, where she asks him if he can do a slam dunk. In an attempt to impress Haruko, he makes the leap, but overshoots, instead slamming his head straight into the blackboard. When Haruko informs the basketball team's captain of Hanamichi's near-inhuman physical capabilities, he slowly finds himself drawn into the camaraderie and competition of the sport he had previously held resentment for. -- -- TV - Oct 16, 1993 -- 210,906 8.52
Soul Eater -- -- Bones -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Soul Eater Soul Eater -- Death City is home to the famous Death Weapon Meister Academy, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami—Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. -- -- Soul Eater Evans, a Demon Scythe who only seems to care about what's cool, aims to become a Death Scythe with the help of his straight-laced wielder, or meister, Maka Albarn. The contrasting duo work and study alongside the hot headed Black☆Star and his caring weapon Tsubaki, as well as the Shinigami's own son, Death the Kid, an obsessive-compulsive dual wielder of twin pistols Patty and Liz. -- -- Soul Eater follows these students of Shibusen as they take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats while working together under the snickering sun to become sounder in mind, body, and soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,273,830 7.87
Sword Art Online: Alicization -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization Sword Art Online: Alicization -- The Soul Translator is a state-of-the-art full-dive interface which interacts with the user's Fluctlight—the technological equivalent of a human soul—and fundamentally differs from the orthodox method of sending signals to the brain. The private institute Rath aims to perfect their creation by enlisting the aid of Sword Art Online survivor Kazuto Kirigaya. He works there as a part-time employee to test the system's capabilities in the Underworld: the fantastical realm generated by the Soul Translator. As per the confidentiality contract, any memories created by the machine in the virtual world are wiped upon returning to the real world. Kazuto can only vaguely recall a single name, Alice, which provokes a sense of unease when mentioned in reality. -- -- When Kazuto escorts Asuna Yuuki home one evening, they chance upon a familiar foe. Kazuto is mortally wounded in the ensuing fight and loses consciousness. When he comes to, he discovers that he has made a full-dive into the Underworld with seemingly no way to escape. He sets off on a quest, seeking a way back to the physical world once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 699,385 7.56
Tabi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Psychological -- Tabi Tabi -- Surreal cutout (kiri-gami) animation following a young girl's physical journey, which is also an inner voyage through which she will learn all the pain and joy of life. She travels to an anonymous Western city, a bizarre dreamscape cluttered with elements from works by Dali, Magritte, de Chirico and Escher. The journey will change her completely but when she returns she will be the only one who knows how she has changed. -- (The poem in the film is by Su Tong-Po, a famous Chinese poet) -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1973 -- 1,013 5.40
Taimanin Asagi -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Demons Hentai Martial Arts Supernatural -- Taimanin Asagi Taimanin Asagi -- The city streets of Tokyo are more dangerous than they’ve ever been before. Humans and demons exist side-by-side, with a sworn trust that they will not harm each other. But some humans have disregarded these sacred pledges and have teamed with demons to form groups and organizations, bent on death, destruction, and unholy human tragedy. -- -- To help quell this tide of evil, there exists a group of female ninjas who hunt down and slay those demons who mean to harm others. Asagi Igawa is one of these ninjas, or at least, she was. Her demon hunting days have been put aside in favor of being with her boyfriend, Sawaki. Unfortunately for the couple, Asagi’s past is not as far behind her as she would like to think. Her previously defeated nemesis, Oboro, has somehow come back from the grave to get revenge. -- -- Revenge in the twisted world of Taimanin Asagi is not something so simple as death however. By the time Oboro is done, Asagi and her shinobi sister Sakura will be sexually and physically transformed and tortured to the utter depths of depravity. Asagi is about to find out that none of her training as a ninja could ever prepare her for the power that pleasure holds when used as a weapon. -- OVA - Feb 24, 2007 -- 16,819 6.86
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso! -- The Tenka Hyakken franchise centers around the "Mitsurugi," maidens who are physical incarnations of ancient swords. They have pledged to live peaceful lives after the era of warfare, but are now returning to battle to fight a new foe that has arisen during an alternate version of the Meiji Era, three hundred years after the Battle of Sekigahara. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 6,858 5.04
UFO Princess Valkyrie -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Magic Sci-Fi -- UFO Princess Valkyrie UFO Princess Valkyrie -- UFO Princess Warukyure, aka UFO Princess Walkyrie is about a princess from outer space who accidentally crashes on earth, where Kazuto desperately tries to maintain the public bath of his grandfather. Due to circumstances, Kazuto receives part of princess Walkyrie's soul which forces her to stay there with him. But that's not the only problem ... because her soul lost strength, the princess transforms both mentally and physically into a little kid! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 17,350 6.74
Utawarerumono -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Utawarerumono Utawarerumono -- An injured man is found in the woods by a girl named Eruruu, and everything about him is mysterious. Without knowledge of his past nor even his own name, he is welcomed to Eruruu's home and is given the name Hakuoro by her grandmother, and younger sister, Aruruu. While the inhabitants of the village have large ears and tails, Hakuoro's defining physical trait is quite different as he has neither ears nor tail, but only a mask that he cannot remove. -- -- Soon after he becomes a part of the villagers' lives, a revolution against the tyrannical emperor of the land begins, and the conflict finds its way to his new home. Hakuoro must do whatever he can to save the people and the village that he has come to love, all while uncovering the mysteries that shroud his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 142,242 7.66
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- In a world of constant war between humans and witches, there exist the "beastfallen"—cursed humans born with the appearance and strength of an animal. Their physical prowess and bestial nature cause them to be feared and shunned by both humans and witches. As a result, many beastfallen become sellswords, making their living through hunting witches. -- -- Despite the enmity between the races, a lighthearted witch named Zero enlists a beastfallen whom she refers to as "Mercenary" to act as her protector. He travels with Zero and Albus, a young magician, on their search for the Grimoire of Zero: a powerful spell book that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. During their journey, his inner kindness is revealed as he starts to show compassion and sympathy towards humans and witches alike, and the unlikely companions grow together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 206,628 7.09,_Mathematical,_physical,_and_engineering_sciences,_geophysical_exploration_near_Khatanga.jpg'(Introductory_Text-book_of_Physical_Geography.)'_(11063068984).jpg'A_Class-Book_of_Physical_Geography_..._New_edition,_revised_and_largely_rewritten_by_R._A._Gregory'_(11163271004).jpg'Physical_Geography._By_W._M._Davis_..._assisted_by_William_Henry_Snyder._(With_plates.)'_(11161733244).jpg
Adapted physical education
Adaptive Physical Education Australia
Advanced Physical Layer
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Engineering and Radiotechnical Metrology
All-Union Council on Physical Culture and Sports
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
American Geophysical Union
American Geophysical Union v. Texaco, Inc.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Physical Society
American Physical Therapy Association
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Anstey College of Physical Education
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
ASA physical status classification system
Asiago Astrophysical Observatory
Astrophysical jet
Astrophysical maser
Astrophysical plasma
Astrophysical X-ray source
Athletics (physical culture)
Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
Australian College of Physical Education
Bachelor of Physical Education
Benefits of physical activity
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biophysical chemistry
Biophysical environment
Biophysical Journal
Biophysical profile
Biophysical Reviews and Letters
Biophysical Society
Brazilian Physical Society
BYU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology
Candidate Physical Ability Test
Canine physical therapy
Catania Astrophysical Observatory
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
Chinese Physical Society
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (University of Guelph)
Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Common control physical channel
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Cyber-physical system
Danish Physical Society
Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory
Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute for the Physically Handicapped
Department of Physical Education
Dimensionless physical constant
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
Dunfermline College of Physical Education
DV8 Physical Theatre
Electron-beam physical vapor deposition
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Entrainment (physical geography)
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
Epigenetics of physical exercise
Equatorial Geophysical Research Laboratory
Ethernet physical layer
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
European Physical Education Review
European Physical Journal
European Physical Journal A
European Physical Journal B
European Physical Journal C
European Physical Journal D
European Physical Journal E
European Physical Journal H
European Physical Society
European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences in Space
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Exchange of futures for physicals
Faculty of Health Sciences and Physical Culture of Kazimierz Puaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective
Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
Fundamental physical constant
Geco (Geophysical Company of Norway)
General physical preparedness
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
Geophysical definition of 'planet'
Geophysical dynamics
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled Model
Geophysical global cooling
Geophysical imaging
Geophysical Institute
Geophysical Journal International
Geophysical Research Letters
Geophysical Service
Geophysical signal analysis
Geophysical survey
Geophysical survey (archaeology)
Geophysical Tomography Group
Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory
German Geophysical Society
German Physical Society
Get Physical Music
Hampton Inn Court at the Steinke Physical Education Center (SPEC)
Health and Physical Education Arena
Hebei Institute of Physical Education
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science
History of physical training and fitness
H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Hofstra Physical Fitness Center
Human physical appearance
Hybrid physicalchemical vapor deposition
ICRC International T20 Cricket Tournament for people with physical disabilities
Individual physical proficiency test
Institute for Chemical-Physical Processes
Institute for Physical Problems
Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
Institute of Physical Education Udon Thani Stadium
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
International Geophysical Year
International Heliophysical Year
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
International Symposium on Physical Design
International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
IntraMural Physical Education Building (IMPE)
ION Geophysical
Italian Physical Society
Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Jzef Pisudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Kalutara Physical Culture Club
Korean Physical Society
Lack of physical education
Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education
Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education
Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union
Lebedev Physical Institute
Let's Get Physical
Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center
List of American Physical Society Fellows
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19211971)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19721997)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (19982010)
List of American Physical Society Fellows (2011)
List of American Physical Society prizes and awards
List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
List of physical quantities
Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau
Master of Physical Therapy
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Medically unexplained physical symptoms
Metaphysical aesthetics
Metaphysical detective story
Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
Metaphysical Graffiti
Metaphysical naturalism
Metaphysical painting
Metaphysical poets
Metaphysical Society of America
Metaphysical terms in the works of Ren Gunon
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts
Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency
Mikael Ter-Mikaelian Institute for Physical Research
Military Institute of Physical Culture
Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (Nepal)
Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health
National Geophysical Data Center
National Physical Fitness Award
National Physical Laboratory
National Physical Laboratory of India
National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
National University of Physical Education and Sport
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory
Neurobiological effects of physical exercise
New physical principles weapons
News (National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped)
Non-physical entity
North Hwanghae Provincial College of Physical Education
On Physical Lines of Force
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences
Orbiting Geophysical Observatory
Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education
Outline of physical science
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Physical abuse
Physical activity
Physical activity epidemiology
Physical address
Physical Address Extension
Physical (album)
Physical (Alcazar song)
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
Physical and logical qubits
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory (Oxford)
Physical attractiveness
Physical attractiveness stereotype
Physical biochemistry
Physical Biology
Physical change
Physical characteristics of the Buddha
Physical chemistry
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Physical Coding Sublayer
Physical comedy
Physical computing
Physical configuration audit
Physical constant
Physical cosmology
Physical culture
Physical dependence
Physical design
Physical design (electronics)
Physical disability
Physical education
Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom
Physical Education Organization
Physical effect
Physical Etoys
Physical Evidence
Physical examination
Physical fitness
Physical force Irish republicanism
Physical geodesy
Physical geography
Physical Geography (journal)
Physical geography of Assam
Physical geography of the Basque Country
Physical Graffiti
Physical hazard
Physical impacts of climate change
Physical information
Physical information security
Physical intimacy
Physical Jerks
Physical layer
Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
Physically based rendering
Physically integrated dance
Physically unable to perform
Physical markup language
Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Physical medium
Physical Medium Dependent
Physical metallurgy
Physical model
Physical modelling synthesis
Physical neural network
Physical object
Physical oceanography
Physical (Olivia Newton-John song)
Physical oncology
Physical optics
Physical organic chemistry
Physical paradox
Physical pest control
Physical plant
Physical premotion
Physical properties of greenhouse gases
Physical property
Physical Quality of Life Index
Physical quantity
Physical restraint
Physical Review
Physical Review A
Physical Review Applied
Physical Review B
Physical Review E
Physical Review Focus
Physical Review Letters
Physical Review X
Physical schema
Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers
Physical Science Study Committee
Physical security
Physical security information management
Physical Security Professional
Physical Society
Physical Society of Japan
Physical Society of London
Physical strength
Physical symbol system
Physical system
Physical theatre
Physical therapy
Physical therapy education
Physical therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome
Physical therapy in the Philippines
Physical Therapy (journal)
Physical training instructor
Physical unclonable function
Physical urticaria
Physical vapor deposition
Physical verification
Physical water scarcity
Polish Institute of Physical Chemistry
Proceedings of the Physical Society
Progress in Physical Geography
Psychophysical parallelism
Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
Radiophysical Research Institute
Rntgen equivalent physical
Rossby wave instability in astrophysical discs
Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Sandow's Magazine of Physical Culture
Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory
Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Centers
Siberian Academy of Physical Culture
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog
Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science
Specific physical preparedness
Sports physical examination
Strictly Physical
Sukhothai Institute of Physical Education Stadium
Supreme Council of Physical Culture (Soviet Union)
Swiss Physical Society
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Templeton Physical Education Center
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company
The American Metaphysical Circus
The Astrophysical Journal
The Character of Physical Law
Thee Physical
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
The Metaphysical Club
The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
The Physical World
Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education
Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education
Total physical response
Type physicalism
Types of physical unclonable function
UCL Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation
University of Aberdeen College of Physical Sciences
University of Santo Tomas Institute of Physical Education and Athletics
USC Physical Education building
User:UBX/Physical comedy
William Lewis (physical chemist)
Write Ahead Physical Block Logging
YMCA College of Physical Education

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last updated: 2022-02-04 09:43:15
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